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Forums - Website Topics - Lost Pasword password doesnt work.

Hello, Site moderators, Luppien here.
My normal account Luppien doesnt work anymore, whenever i try to log in my password isnt correct. its a direct copy paste of the mail with lost passwords i get, Hope you can fix my normal account :)  

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Same here. I have already sent a message to admin about that, but if someone could help in a more expedite manner will be greatly appreciated. My account (normal) is josenieves1.


Same Here =/

guys, you are screwed, lost password mail password does not work

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Count me as another victim of the dreaded red login of death.

I did use the lost password form a few months ago and it did work for me then but it hasn't worked last time I had to use it (about a week ago) so i had to make another account.

Hope it doesn't happen to posters with higher post counts.

I wonder what would Leo-J do if he lost his password and had to restart his post count from scratch to try and pass Soriku's post count (and vice-versa). The thought sends shivers down my spine.

Sri Lumpa here, I lost the space when I lost my profile

I'm a victim of it too Can't use my old ID anymore.

I am largely platform agnostic. I fail to understand why some people get overly fanboyish about what is an inanimate piece of electronics that's obsolete even before it's launched, when there are far more important things to champion, such as preventing environmental destruction or preventing millions of people dying unnecessarily from illnesses. This fact however, doesn’t mean I am not someone who doesn’t enjoy gaming as a pastime (as I have done for the last 20 years) or doesn’t have a strong interest in how the market is evolving – hence my presence on this site.

Platforms owned – PC, DS, X-Box 360, PS3, PSP and Wii.


try sending a pm to ioi with this thread. He is the only one who can fix this, and at least this is a small list of people who need help.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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This happened to me about 4 weeks ago. Send an E-mail to admin@vgchartz, and they'll put you back in the game. I would bump that thread back up, but I gotta go to work. Hope I was helpful. Bye!