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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your favourite "arty" game?

What is your favourite "arty" game? For some reason I usually really love games that have some 'arty' quality about it. The reason for this is unclear, and it might be a stupid thing to care about, but that's how it is. Maybe it just gives me a feeling that games are better and nicer and more beautiful and more significant than say your average mindless shooter, and kind of justifies my hobby in some way, I don't know. But regardless of the reason, I would like some recommendations for these kinds of games, existing or upcoming. It's of course very unclear what could be considered an "arty" game, but that's up to anyone who want's to recommend a game. I'll give some examples though, some of which are among my favourite games ever. Preferably the games should be different both in appearance and gameplay. Rez - This is a fantastic game and experience, if a little short, but it represents everything I mean when I talk about 'arty' games. Fantastic visuals and a complete audiovisual experience. Okami - A beautiful game Vib Ribbon - Stylish and interesting. Shadow of the Colossus - Not as clearly an 'arty' game as the ones above, but I love it because of the mood and design of both gameplay and experience. Ico was great too. No more Heroes - Looks great and I can't wait to play this game. I never played Killer 7 although I liked the look of it. I'm actually considering buying a an Xbox360 thanks in a large part to these kinds of games, Rez for example that is one of my favourite games ever, but there seems to be more games worth experiencing (I haven't even played geometry wars yet). Xbox Live Marketplace and PSN is great since it can allow the more niche ones of these games to reach a wider audience. Anyone care to comment?

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Electroplankton - that's always a good way to pointlessly waste an 10 minutes lol
er... apart from that, not much

Ms Saga: A New Dawn. I love this RPG more than Soriku loves Kingdom Hearts.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Viva Pinata






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Eternal Sonata-- Fantastic music and the most beautiful game I've ever seen.

Shadow of the colossus

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

Electroplankton I know and like.

Ms Saga: A New Dawn I have never heard of, please tell me more.

Viva pinata certanly looks nice, maybe I'll get it if I get an Xbox360.

Yes, eternal Sonata looks beautiful, it's coming to the PS3 as well right?

Shadow of the colossus yes, that's why I mentioned it in my original post...

Keep 'em coming

I would've though someone would've mentioned Okami.