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Forums - Sony Discussion - Vita Releases for 2013 - 2014 (SS Delta, Mind=0, Borderlands 2 Released)

Bump. Added a few things. Gonna start filling in info for each soon...




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Around the Network

nice thread but it needs updates. SS, R&C:FFA, and jacob jones are out now.

kitler53 said:
nice thread but it needs updates. SS, R&C:FFA, and jacob jones are out now.

should I remove the things that have released? Or maybe just tag them as Released?




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

September 3rd

ryuzaki57 said:

September 3rd

thanks, will add in. I will be fixing up the OP with Release Dates where Apllicable and synopsis after I get something to eat :)




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Around the Network

that is an actually impressive list of games that's coming in 2013/2014 for the Vita..

ok i have a Vita and i played Gravity Rush and platinum'd the game since i loved it very much. i'm also playing Uncharted: Golden abyss and Assassin's Creed 3: liberation at the moment and i'm planning on getting Killzone: mercenary,Tearaway, Batman origins: Blackgate and oddworld: stranger's wrath.. still i want ur help if possible to guide me into some beautiful games that are already released on the Vita that blend good story with unique gameplay just like Gravity Rush. no RPG for me except some elements.. if so then i have no problem with that :)

The list looks pretty good tho there's still nothing that makes me really need to get one asap or dying for yet.

V-r0cK said:
The list looks pretty good tho there's still nothing that makes me really need to get one asap or dying for yet.

1. What kind of games are you into?

2.What Specific series or type of game would mae you jump in?

3.Did you ever own a PSP?




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

forevercloud3000 said:
V-r0cK said:
The list looks pretty good tho there's still nothing that makes me really need to get one asap or dying for yet.

1. What kind of games are you into?

2.What Specific series or type of game would mae you jump in?

3.Did you ever own a PSP?

I'm into everything.  I have a PSP and PSP Go (best console ever imo) and I love their games.  I loved Crisis Core:FFVII and will instantly jump into the Vita if they actually release FF Type-0.  I'd jump in just for Square games (mainly FF and KH series) yet sadly they haven't been doing their part.  I got a PS3 just for FF Versus XIII, but I guess i'll be getting a PS4 for that instead :P

ryuzaki57 said:

September 3rd

-Fist pumps-