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Forums - Sony Discussion - Vita Releases for 2013 - 2014 (SS Delta, Mind=0, Borderlands 2 Released)

KingofTrolls said:
Playstationfan12 said:
I hope Panopticon is a vita exclusive. It needs all the exclusives it can get to increase sales. There's a small chance of it being a vita exclusive but they never said what platform it would be on it so it can still be vita,ps4 or ps3.

Just asking - it will change anything if Panopticon will be a Vita exclusive, not PS3/PS4/Vita ?  If yes, why ? I dont really understand now what you mean. Panopticon looks like a Monster Hunter/JRPG clone so yes, it can be a Vita exclusive, but Vita is still really small market. I think PS3/Vita is the best option for Sony and for gamers.

If the Vita is going to expand its market, it needs games that cannot be played on any other platform, hence why this game being exclusive would really help the Vita. If you were a gamer looking to buy a ps3/vita game, but you dont have a Vita, only a Ps3, which option are you most likely going to go with? The Ps3 version because you already have a system that you can play the game on, therefore you do not need a Vita. Having the game Vita exclusive means that you NEED to have a Vita to play the game.


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Foliage Ocean Memories of Celceta is definitely day one. I really wish the Ys series would get the sales it deserves!

KingofTrolls said:
Playstationfan12 said:
I hope Panopticon is a vita exclusive. It needs all the exclusives it can get to increase sales. There's a small chance of it being a vita exclusive but they never said what platform it would be on it so it can still be vita,ps4 or ps3.

Just asking - it will change anything if Panopticon will be a Vita exclusive, not PS3/PS4/Vita ?  If yes, why ? I dont really understand now what you mean. Panopticon looks like a Monster Hunter/JRPG clone so yes, it can be a Vita exclusive, but Vita is still really small market. I think PS3/Vita is the best option for Sony and for gamers.

I disagree Panopticon as a Vita exclusive will definitely help Sony with it's Vita situation. How will Vita's market can be big if they won't even release an exclsuive game for it. It will not help Sony at all with it's Vita situation and the PS3 doesn't need help anymore. I will definitely scratch my head if they release it Multi-plat with PS3/VITA. PS4/VITA maybe but a PS3/VITA it's really a bad idea but the best option is still a Vita exclusive.

With SS creating a 200K userbase and with Toukiden incoming then releasing it as Vita exclusive makes sense. 

Yes please alright! :D

NoCtiS_NoX said:

I disagree Panopticon as a Vita exclusive will definitely help Sony with it's Vita situation. How will Vita's market can be big if they won't even release an exclsuive game for it. It will not help Sony at all with it's Vita situation and the PS3 doesn't need help anymore. I will definitely scratch my head if they release it Multi-plat with PS3/VITA. PS4/VITA maybe but a PS3/VITA it's really a bad idea but the best option is still a Vita exclusive.

With SS creating a 200K userbase and with Toukiden incoming then releasing it as Vita exclusive makes sense. 

Hell yeah, now I understand it is a lose - lose situation. Panopticon PS3/Vita - big sales, but small/maybe no push Vita sales, Panopticon Vita exclusive - small sales, but big push on Vita.

Its a miracle rly.

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Like most people guessed (it was obvious) Panopticon is a vita exclusive :)

Jup panopiction (or now freedom wars) is vita... it's for 2014 though ;P

pezus said:
^Where did you see that?

First 2014 Vita title announcement then?

Pleasing. And I'm glad to see Japan Studio finally throwing some of their own weight behind the machine (Soul Sacrifice I know, but it was a joint effort).

Anyway, good to see it on Vita.