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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft Says Wii Owners Can 'Graduate' to Xbox 360

"limited on the type of gameplay available"?

I could probably say that for the X360.

Anyways why would I want to graduate to a piece of equipment that will breakdown on me?

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I will graduate to PS3, no RROD :)

Fastrabbit09 said:

sienster said:

Whenever I have free time, I play my 360.

then you are a hardcore gamer and are the target group for the 360

 i spend my free time with my wife, not playing video games, so i am a casual gamer and am not the target group of the 360

 ms/sony's problem is that the vast majority of people are not hardcore gamers...most are either casual or non-gamers...ps360 can get some of the casual gamers' money, but pretty much none of the non-gamers' money...


I guess I shouldn't say all my time, as I have a wife also, but whenever I have free time - to surf the web, watch tv, etc.



breadie2 said:
I will graduate to PS3, no RROD :)

that issue is so 2007 :)

Really, I wouldn't let that influence your decision.



out of 10 at my job [ages 24-65] 1 owns a 360 1 wii the rest wants a wii cause of the less amount of buttons. wii wins

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049

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To all the Ninty's

Who coined the term Wii360? Peter Moore, VP of xbox and stuff (well ex VP)

That was almost a year ago! This isn't news, this has always been MS's standpoint towards the Wii. They're the ones who announced that you could buy a Wii+ 360 for the price of a PS3.

Everyones pissed off because he used the word "graduate"?? Are you people serious?

Microsoft sees a market for Wii users who want more but can't be offered on the Wii. If they want more matured games ala Mass Effect, HD graphics for their HD TV's then yes the 360 can be the system they "graduate" too.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


MikeB said:
Fastrabbit09 said:
MikeB said:
Fastrabbit09 said:
MikeB said:

> any data to backup that it is 'certainly most popular amongst younger kids'?

8-17 olds

"The Wii was on 32% of wish lists, the Sony PlayStation 3 on 19% and Microsoft Xbox 360 on 17%."

"As for game systems, Nintendo Wii was the most popular among kids ages 8-13, as well as all girls up to age 17, while Sony PlayStation 3 came out on top for boys ages 14-17."

Why does everyone here assume kids nowadays play a minor role within the gaming industry? Didn't you play video games as a kid?

so u got data to backup that it is popular amongst kids, not that it's mostly kids that want the wii...there is a difference

National survey (what people preferred to get for christmas 2007, US adults):

Top 10 For Men

  1. Flat screen High Definition TV 37%
  2. New Laptop Computer (Windows) 21%
  3. New Digital Camera 16%
  4. New Desktop Computer 15%
  5. GPS Navigation System for the car 11%
  6. Sony PS3 10%
  7. New Cell Phone 9%
  8. New Digital Video Camera 8%
  9. Xbox 360 8%
  10. Nintendo Wii 8%

Top 10 for Women

  1. Flat screen High Definition TV 33%
  2. New Laptop Computer 19%
  3. New Digital Camera 18%
  4. New Desktop Computer (Windows) 13%
  5. New Cell Phone 12%
  6. New Digital Video Camera 11%
  7. GPS Navigation System for the car 10%
  8. Nintendo Wii 9%
  9. Apple Laptop Computer 7%
  10. Tivo or another DVR 6%


nice; continuing to make my point

women are half the population and ps3 is not on the list...wii is at 9% for women and 8% for men, so 8.5%

8-17 has 32% wii....but i'm sure <25% of the population is 8-17, thus more of the population that wants a wii is an adult than a child

ie 250 million people in us that are not 8-17 and 50 million that are...that's 21.25million adults and 16 million children...



Some points:

1) There are more male gamers than female gamers at this point.

2) Kids are more likely to get cheaper christmas gifts from Santa Claus. (if your kid wants a 100 dollar doll or a 1,000 dollar HDTV this makes quite a differences, exaggerated just to make a point. This nomater if the 100 dollar doll is a complete rip-off and the HDTV is of excellent value for money)

What these surveys indicate:

- The Wii was more popular for christmas amongst young females (over 32%) than adult females (9%).

- The Wii was more popular amongst kids in general (32%) than adults in general.

- The PS3 was most popular amongst male teenagers older than 13 and adult males.

- More adult males (10%) wanted a PS3 than adult females (7% on average according to the survey, so ~4% for adult females).

Now back to the original disagreement:

I think both the PS2 and Wii play an important role in this market. I predicted the Wii would perform much better than the GameCube performed at a time when everyone spelled its doom, the same for the PS2 if you believed many posters the platform would have been totally dead right now.

I don't think many younger kids will own more than 1 platform at a time and this is the market segment where the PS2 and Wii really thrives, I don't expect their parents to run out and buy them a 360 anytime soon. Also IMO a console aimed at kids should be very sturdy and not die or scratch discs if you don't take excellent care (nor if you do).

The Wii is most popular amongst kids in general and to a much lesser degree adult females. The 360 is a lot less popular amongst kids and not popular amongst adult females at all. Parents in general are unlikely enabling kids to own more than 1 new gen console.

So, I don't think Microsoft's expectations will come true.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

There are three types of lies -- lies, damned lies, and statistics. The figures cited herein demonstrate that.

There is no console for everyone. But it is highly doubtful that someone who is a new user and attracted to the Wii will go on to the PS3 and 360 ... at least in the short-term.

The Wii is getting older buyers and younger buyers. The only group that it does not highly appeal to are males 15-24. Children, females and older buyers all tend to like the system.

So the graduation ceremonies will be few and far between.

Just my thoughts.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Not that kind of arguing again... I'll be waiting for the day when we argue about whether negrids or real aryans play more the Wii or the PS3. Even some jew may own Wii.
Oh please, look at the numbers at the front page, they don't tell you who owns what system and don't even care. If we want to make an argument about the audience who buys what system, the biggest questions consider how many people are buying PS3 because of it's BD drive and how many people buy Wii only because of Wii Sports (only in this case things for Wii are better since Nintendo has the "Wii" series of games) and this basically has relevance only in terms of game sales.

As what it comes to "graduating", Happy Squrriel wins the thread. It's more likely that "after graduating" people are going to buy more traditional games for their Wii than buy a new system. It's just a lot cheaper. Also, this is only one part of Wiis userbase, most people (at least so far) know what they are buying and have made a choice between innovation and HD graphics.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

anecdotal: I have a wii (37) and xbox360, sister (36) have a wii, sister of my wife (39) have a wii, youngest son of my brother (10) have a ps3.

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.