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Forums - Sony Discussion - Inside the PlayStation 4 With Mark Cerny

Cerny is Sony's Miyamoto just look at his resume, he has worked in every major Sony franchise and now its the system architect for the PS4. I admire that guy.

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DraconianAC said:
I'll be honest and say that I was impressed by Mark Cerny's presentation in the February 20th reveal. He was talking to the crowed (not the prompter) and I got a sense that he knew what he was talking about, but then again, I'm not a developer so I'm fairly ignorant about the architecture decisions Sony chose along with AMD on the PS4.

I think only time will tell us if it they were wise decisions or not. I still gonna take the wait and see approach. I rather hold off and see if there are not manufacturing problems before purchasing one.

The guy have huge experience in game industry... you can not know it but he works in these underground titles:

Significant games


ethomaz said:
DraconianAC said:
I'll be honest and say that I was impressed by Mark Cerny's presentation in the February 20th reveal. He was talking to the crowed (not the prompter) and I got a sense that he knew what he was talking about, but then again, I'm not a developer so I'm fairly ignorant about the architecture decisions Sony chose along with AMD on the PS4.

I think only time will tell us if it they were wise decisions or not. I still gonna take the wait and see approach. I rather hold off and see if there are not manufacturing problems before purchasing one.

The guy have huge experience in game industry... you can not know it but he works in these underground titles:

Significant games


Damn impressive list.

Cerny finally reveled the name of the feature to download the game while play it.


At the New York City unveiling of the system, Cerny talked about PlayGo, the system by which the console will download digital titles even as they're being played.
"The concept is you download just a portion of the overall data and start your play session, and you continue your play session as the rest downloads in the background," he explained to Gamasutra.

I gotta admit: the PS4 has me more than a little excited. :)

The BuShA owns all!

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I can say it now....


ethomaz said:
DraconianAC said:
I'll be honest and say that I was impressed by Mark Cerny's presentation in the February 20th reveal. He was talking to the crowed (not the prompter) and I got a sense that he knew what he was talking about, but then again, I'm not a developer so I'm fairly ignorant about the architecture decisions Sony chose along with AMD on the PS4.

I think only time will tell us if it they were wise decisions or not. I still gonna take the wait and see approach. I rather hold off and see if there are not manufacturing problems before purchasing one.

The guy have huge experience in game industry... you can not know it but he works in these underground titles:

Significant games


lol you got me at spyro. Still wow!

ethomaz said:

I can say it now....


Yes, Now that they've told us so much about the system already, what are they going to show at the next event and E3? There's got to be a bomb shell in there somewhere.

Mmmfishtacos said:
ethomaz said:

I can say it now....


Yes, Now that they've told us so much about the system already, what are they going to show at the next event and E3? There's got to be a bomb shell in there somewhere.

The price.

NNID: crazy_man

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 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Mmmfishtacos said:

Yes, Now that they've told us so much about the system already, what are they going to show at the next event and E3? There's got to be a bomb shell in there somewhere.

Sony is holding to show the PS4 desing, the games, date and price... so there are a lot yet lol.