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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Load of games coming this holiday for Wii U. Should be epic. (rumored titles ADDED)

i doubt smash brothers will come this holiday, if anything the due date will be pushed back. 2014 holiday is more likely


WII U // PC // 3ds XL // VITA

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Hey Nintendo fans, how are you enjoying your launch games - Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101?

That's why I don't believe a single rumour about a Wii U game to be released this year. Unless Nintendo gives a specific release date, you should forget about such games as well, cause you're just fooling yourself. Sure, Nintendo will release something, but I'm affraid that so far HD is too much for them and the Christmas games may just as well be released in a similar quality as the Wii U launch OS. Barely working, a few months from being finished, in need of huge patches. Hope Nintendo does better, but I'm affraid they may need more time than they have to pump out so many quality games.

Wii U is a GCN 2 - I called it months before the release!

My Vita to-buy list: The Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, Need for Speed: Most Wanted, TearAway, Ys: Memories of Celceta, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, History: Legends of War, FIFA 13, Final Fantasy HD X, X-2, Worms Revolution Extreme, The Amazing Spiderman, Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - too many no-gaemz :/

My consoles: PS2 Slim, PS3 Slim 320 GB, PSV 32 GB, Wii, DSi.

Cheebee said:
I don't believe for a second that Smash Bros., 'X', or Bayonetta 2 are coming out this year.

I don't, either. I remember at E3 they had said that work hadn't even begun on Smash. We won't see Smash Bros. until next year. It may be playable at E3 this year, but only a rough demo or something. And why would Wii Fit U be a holiday release? Wasn't that supposed to be a launch window title? How hard is it to slap together some workouts and push it out the door?


that list is fake. The big Super Secret should be enough to contradict it

Why does Mario & Luigi Dream Team have "WUP" by it? I assume it means Wii U since the other Wii U games have it by it. Isn't it a 3DS game?

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Dang so much Nintendo hate lol. Yea all the games are not going to come out this fall, but the line up for the Wii U will still be much better than the 720 or Ps4 when it comes out. Im willing to bet those two consoles will both have droughts just as the Wii U did, and we will see doom threads everyday about both. Ill still get a Ps4, do not think I am a Nintendo Fanboy. I'm just saying, the Wii U lineup is looking really impressive. Most of the games shown on Ps4 I also have had on Pc for over a year now so graphics are not the reason I am buying a console lol. Otherwise I would have a Vita instead of a 3ds...


@those doubting the list. Notice the Item #s. They match the latest games actual releases of Game&Wario and LEGO 3DS. If the match the next games releasing, then I think this adds tremendous support.

superchunk said:
@those doubting the list. Notice the Item #s. They match the latest games actual releases of Game&Wario and LEGO 3DS. If the match the next games releasing, then I think this adds tremendous support.

Sure, but it's just so ridiculous looking!

bananaking21 said:
a request to the OP, in the list of the games could you add which ones are confirmed, which ones are leaked and which ones are rumored?


VGKing said:

I did read it and I don't see how that quote translates into "Loads of games coming this holiday for wii u". I saw that edit you made and if you expect Smash Bros, Zelda, Bayonetta, Mario Kart...etc all in 1 holiday, expect to be disappointed. There's no way all these games are coming at the same time. Nintendo wouldn't be that stupid.

1) ND from February said SMash/ MK and others would be PLAYABLE at E3. Many other games like Pikmin have been delayed like crazy. Who's to say resources were not shifted to get these biggers games out by holiday?

2) As for fitting the title of OP, last sentence in quote.