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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Load of games coming this holiday for Wii U. Should be epic. (rumored titles ADDED)

Good news, bad that I can't afford the I don't mind if the games are delayed into 2014... :(

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Counting the days until E3...

They've already squandered much of their lead and are almost past the point of no return, but my undying faith in the company keeps me hopeful that they've secretly been gearing up for a big reveal this year, and, like the magic trick analogy in the OP, they give us a massive "voilà" moment at E3.

Who is that guy anyways? It sounds as if he has inside information? Could that be true?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I cannot believe Nintendo hasn't shown anything big yet for their newest console. At least a trailer for the big guns they have in production would have eased and prepared people for what's to come. However, they refused to even launch games for a whole quarter (CY Q2 2013).

How is this strategy any good? Pissing shareholders and consumers alike? Where's the third party support? Why aren't Japanese companies supporting the system?

Nintendo is in for a terrible meeting, I don't like their attitude at all. Trying to cover holes by announcing games for the 3DS that probably will get delayed, to divert the attention away from the terrible WiiU performance.
No support, no sales, no hype. It's getting really bad. PEople might be tired already of the same line "wait until xxx event", and then nothing happens.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Sal.Paradise said:
They'll definitely have a big holiday, they always do. Especially if they coincide it with a price drop. I think the question for Wii U is what they do for the other ~45 weeks in the year.

Very true. Nintendo is always great with the Holiday Season. The other three quarters however... lol, no.

This year, though, Nintendo is doing a great job with the 3DS for the Summer and Spring times. Hopefully they can keep that up.

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FrancisNobleman said:
I hope the multiplats make good use of the gamepad screen, mic and motion sensors.

We could use some innovation, I'm sick of playing the same formulas over and over again. The latest deja-vu I had was Tomb Raider. Thats uncharted with tits, and nothing else.

I agree.. It's really taken my a while but I've gotten used to the new controller and do find it to be a big plus when used well. I hope for more games to take advantage of it.

I believe in Nintendo. They turned the 3ds around, and I trust they can turn the Wii U around. I think the main thing to show would obviously be their main franchises (Mario and Zelda.) A game that many people ask for, like a new Baten Kaitos, or F-Zero. Then announce more jrpgs, because honestly, I think the load of jrpgs on the 3ds turned it around a bit.


This stratagy isn't fool proof. The gamecube had some of Nintendo's best support and it only sold 20 million. What Nintendo really needs is the competition to screw up.

So it is basically stating the obvious. There are generally a lot of games for all systems during the holidays. End of the world, drop dead news here. And, the sales patterns of handhelds do not follow consoles. This is generally small speculation out of the obvious arrival of more games.

I think there are going to be some crazy games announced/shown for WiiU soon. My big hope is that they really shock and impress, like Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports and TP when they were first shown. Those games brought me back to enjoying Nintendo and being hyped about their products.