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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy Versus XIII on PS4 and PS3

ethomaz said:
pezus said:
I thought most people were displeased with SE delaying the PS3 version in the west so they could finish the 360 version, just like Nintendo fans are displeased now with Ubisoft because of Rayman

The delay didn't hurt me because I just brought my PS3 in early 2010 but the cut content and the downgraded graphics makes me not buy this game.

Man you ARE stuborn. Even your Kitase interview didn't say anyting about cut content.

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forevercloud3000 said:
DigitalDevilSummoner said:
forevercloud3000 said:

Remember, Versus was basically what the main concensus always wanted in a FF game.

I remember very clearly that the Versus announcement was received as a Crisis Core-esque spin off for the PS3.

only casual FF fans thought it was a spin off, because SE stated from jump it wasn't and that it was literally just as important and on par in the series as XIII was. There was just some mild ignorance about it in the West mostly. It was designed to be an alternate future for where the series as a whole could go.

Several times over, Versus was voted #1 or in top 10 of most anticipated in Japan. Frequently above FFXIII, except for when XIII was about to release.

I didn't mean spin off in that way (production of lesser importance like Lightning Returns). I was refering to gaming mechanics. All we knew up to that point was that Versus was a Kingdom Hearts action/rpg descentant. So I highly doubt people wanted FF to go down the KH road, especially after the radical changes of/ FF XII.

I'm gonna need some links about that voting

ethomaz said:
pezus said:
I thought most people were displeased with SE delaying the PS3 version in the west so they could finish the 360 version, just like Nintendo fans are displeased now with Ubisoft because of Rayman

The delay didn't hurt me because I just brought my PS3 in early 2010 but the cut content and the downgraded graphics makes me not buy this game.

Wait a minute, I just can't ignore this, you didn't buy the game, haven't played the game?!

ethomaz said:
KHlover said:

Didn't the E3 Uncharted 3 demo run on a computer? My best guess is that the E3 demo just served the purpose of introducing gamers to the atmosphere of the game, not represent the final version. Would not be too uncommon.

Demo? What demo? The E3 was a video... If I remember ND uses four PS3 to render the final cutscenes (no PC involved). 

Final Game 

Cutscenes = PS3 farm
InGame without gameplay = InGame + AA + Better textures
InGame with gameplay = InGame

E3 Video: All the video rendered in the cutscene engine (PS3 farm) * even the "InGame without gameplay" part of the final game *

I think your non-native English is giving people (including me) some issues here, so let me clarify what I thnk you're saying about U3.

The scenes in the comparison pictures posted; in the E3 picture ND was rendering the scene on a PS3 render farm, which they use for cutscenes. In the final build of the game, they switched these scenes to be rendered "InGame + AA + Better textures" instead of using the cutscene engine, hence why they look different. Correct?

If I've understood correctly, did ND give a reason why they chose to switch those scenes from cutscene to in-game + effects? Do you remember where they mentioned it?


OT: Wooo, Versus! 

Sal.Paradise said:

I think your non-native English is giving people (including me) some issues here, so let me clarify what I thnk you're saying about U3.

The scenes in the comparison pictures posted; in the E3 picture ND was rendering the scene on a PS3 render farm, which they use for cutscenes. In the final build of the game, they switched these scenes to be rendered "InGame + AA + Better textures" instead of using the cutscene engine, hence why they look different. Correct?

If I've understood correctly, did ND give a reason why they chose to switch those scenes from cutscene to in-game + effects? Do you remember where they mentioned it?


Correct. Seems like ND created the ingame cutscenes but for the E3 video they resolved to render that in the PS3 render farm... they even showed a picture of the PS3 render farm in twitter.

Some cutscenes in U3 are video rendered in this PS3 render farm... the other (majority) are ingame with plus assets.

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ethomaz said:
Sal.Paradise said:


I think your non-native English is giving people (including me) some issues here, so let me clarify what I thnk you're saying about U3.

The scenes in the comparison pictures posted; in the E3 picture ND was rendering the scene on a PS3 render farm, which they use for cutscenes. In the final build of the game, they switched these scenes to be rendered "InGame + AA + Better textures" instead of using the cutscene engine, hence why they look different. Correct?

If I've understood correctly, did ND give a reason why they chose to switch those scenes from cutscene to in-game + effects? Do you remember where they mentioned it?



Correct. Seems like ND created the ingame cutscenes but for the E3 video they resolved to render that in the PS3 render farm... they even showed a picture of the PS3 render farm in twitter.

Some cutscenes in U3 are video rendered in this PS3 render farm... the other (majority) are ingame with plus assets.

Do you remember where they said this?

benao87 said:

Wait a minute, I just can't ignore this, you didn't buy the game, haven't played the game?!

I played the demo and the begin of the final game... and helped a friend to get Platinum killing Adamantoise to get a really rare item.

The game obviously is going to end up multiplatform in one way or another, lucky for Sony its only on their systems. Would be awesome to see Sony publishing this game, if they are funding a port, then why not right?

Sal.Paradise said:

Do you remember where they said this?

After the E3 I think... I can try to find that... what I remember some developers from ND talked a lot in twitter... they are really happy to share all these stuff (there are even a forum with NP developers too).

Edit: I found the PS3 render farm post in twitter:

8 PS3 to render the cultscenes... not 4 like I said.

ethomaz said:
benao87 said:

Wait a minute, I just can't ignore this, you didn't buy the game, haven't played the game?!

I played the demo and the begin of the final game... and helped a friend to get Platinum killing Adamantoise to get a really rare item.

And the bomb was dropped ! We are talking content with a person who didn't play the damn thing.