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Forums - General Discussion - My brother beat somebody up. Lesson learned? (explicit/not for children)

Mars said:
Pretty weak stuff, nothing but a bunch of coward ignorant losers which do make up 99% of the population.

ps i blame her, all of a mans troubles some how start with a women.

 weak stuff? if youve been through real fights, youd know that the experience that weezy and his brother encountered is pretty thrilling(or scary whichever).

99%? thats a tad high dontcha think?

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"If this story was true, the brother would have been a TOTAL MORON for not just ignoring them and walking away. I mean, he went back fuming mad because the guy said he was a pussy? Why does he care what some asshole says, why would he go back there and start something. Now I know he didn't hit first, but he was already out of there. There was no reason to go back."


I think your bro may have to learn the hardway when he goes to jail for assault or gbh.
The guy and his bro are just as bigger knobs as the punks. Sounds like he was angry about his women and just took it out on the punks.
All they had to do was say "whatever dickhead" and keep walking and ignore them like the losers they are. Instead if get angry it makes they achieve what they wanted.
What if the guy pulled a knife and stabbed you and your brother, who would learn the lesson then?
Massive dickheads on both side. imo


That's a pretty crazy story. You and your brother are somewhat lucky those other two guys weren't more serious and stronger... or had guns.

What kind of hook did he throw at your brother? That sounds like it could have been really dangerous if it hit his eye...ow.

@ misteromar mk4-- shit happen's

@ wfz -- it was a right hook and it hit right below his left eye.

Those guy wanted it and they got it.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



If by brother you mean boyfriend and beat-up you mean invite back to your place for the night, then I might believe this.

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^ you got some wierd fantasies.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Hahahahahaha, ohhhhhhhhh man. I thought you meant a sharp metal object that's bent, like a fishing hook.

I just realized you meant punch. That completely changes the subject. xD

Lesson learned? well I guess, yes and no. People should already know not to disrespect other people. So when you do expect bad things to happen to you. In your cases you should of just kept walking unless you were about to be physically attacked. Somebody could've been seriously injured. It could've ended differently for you'll or the other guys. You really have to check your pride and think first.

iclim4 said:
"The girl files an arrest warrant on me for 'assault on a female"
whatever happened to equal rights?
can we file assault on male too, if a lady hits us?
i thought men and women were equal both physically and mentally...

Damn right! Just because I tapped the girl on the nose doesn't mean I should be in 'that' kind of trouble. She's a person, whether or not she has sagging titties and no wiener.

Men and women have their differences (in terms of body structure and limits), but girls have more wit and mental focus than males. Boys, and I'm one and I'll admit it, tend to think with their penises more than their brain in their head. Girls tend to also be a lot smarter at times when it comes to rash decisions, and have a better memory. My mom can remember where stuff is located in the house, or remembers information many years ago. I have that kind of memory too, but it's on random stuff and information not necessary to keep (video games, moments of the past etc.).


That's what they get for acting like fucktards.