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Forums - Sales Discussion - How much of game sales is actual profit?

I was just thinking about game prices these days, and was wondering how much of that $50-$60 for a new game was actual profit for the creators, I know there's licensing fees, and production costs. I was just wondering how its split up for the producer, creator, console maker you know.

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i would say 25 - 30 dollars

You're not going to want to hear this, but it depends on production budget, which varies wildly.

Developers typically receive 20-25% of profits.

Does the company have any say at how much to charge for their game? I've seen some PSP games that are new releases at $40 or $30 so I'm thinking yes o.O

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grrr...tried looking up the exact number but i couldn't find them. the breakdown is on the order of:
$30 to developer
$20 to Sony/MS
$10 to retail outlet

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Here is the figures given by the french association of video gaming ( in a 2006 study for console game :

Publisher/studio : 25%
Marketing : 11%
Royalties : 15%
Trade Marketing/shipping/translation & co : 16-18%
a- Wholesalers : 9% + retailers : 24% (including back margin, not just shop margin).
b- Big retailers (Toys'r US, Wallmart...) : 31%

Of course, this do not apply to huge games with crazy ad campaigns, but rather to your average game.

@kitler. you forgot the publisher.

And I think you mean revenue not profit... a game isn't making profit until it's revenue exceeds the money spent making/marketing it... In fact if you are talking developer profit, then it has to have made enough revenue so that the developers cut exceeds the development cost.

Here is the breakdown that forbes published a while ago for Gears of War.

So basically for Nintendo they make about 40% ? that seems too low, I was think the retailer made maybe 15%... besides, it really depends how many a games sells on the %... Like NSMB, that game has sold millions since I have seen the last commerical... so that marketing % would be 0

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

If you buy the game through steam they recieve a much larger percentage of the we just need to get steam's service on all of the consoles and we will be set...

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