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Forums - Website Topics - IP banning getting out of hand


OK, so what's the deal with these IP bannings lately? I open up 5-6 threads and BAM, my IP is banned for a full day.

I know this is done to keep website traffic low, but c'mon, you don't keep your visitors happy this way. I like to compare games and such to predict sales, so I usually open about 6-8 games, and then check out charts. I can't do this anymore because if I open just one game too many, I get banned for a day.

I don't know any other websites with this problem, and some of them have lots of more traffic then this one. It's just not very inviting for me anymore to visit this place when activity gets punished.

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Is that the thing where you get an error 403 message because if it is I keep getting that after like 5mins of being on If so does anybody know how to fix this. Please help because I really want to access this site. Im using a proxy site to access it now.

the message is like error 403 Forbidden you don't have permission to access this server.

Yes sc94597, that's the problem I'm talking about. So there really isn't a solution to this, ioi? When do you think you'll get a new server?

in a few weeks he said i think..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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I didn't even know this happened and I usually open 5-10 windows at a time one right after the other. >_>

Anonymous has stopped attacking scientology websites and turned their attention to VGChartz?

It happened to me and now i have to use a proxy site to access vgchartz. I thought somebody was blocking me or something from accessing the site.

Yeah, it's been acting up for me all day, but at least it's okay now

*Knocks on wood*

im guessing this is why our daily rank was 15.000 yesterday and not at the usual 9000-1000~

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!