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Falco isn't a clone anymore.. and ness will have a different moveset now

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I wish Sora was in it too. I didn't see Ness in the roster. I'll take a look again...

EDIT: Nvm, I'm an idiot. Lucas and Ness have the same faces, so I got confused. But why have a character from MOTHER named Lucas? When I first heard about him from someone, I was thinking about Lucas from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl (playable boy character).

Brianna said:
Falco isn't a clone anymore.. and ness will have a different moveset now

No, reports say they are mostly clones.  Kinda like Mario and Luigi have always been.  Not quite, but almost.  Reports also say Ganon is almost a CF clone...

I thought I read that on brawlcentral.... I would check again but the site is down.

Of course most "reports" in this case are two or three guys in Japan who got the game early playing it 24/7, and occasionally posting pics and impressions on 2chan, where a few Western guys are translating them they best they can, and spreading them to the rest of the internets. Translation errors and exaggerations are still extremely likely.

I mean If I had managed to unlock Ganondorf or Falco, and they had any resemblance at all to their previous incarnations, I'd probably go online, scream "FUUUUUCK, THEY'RE CLONES AGAIN!!!", and go sulk in a corner or something. ^^

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Parokki said:
Of course most "reports" in this case are two or three guys in Japan who got the game early playing it 24/7, and occasionally posting pics and impressions on 2chan, where a few Western guys are translating them they best they can, and spreading them to the rest of the internets. Translation errors and exaggerations are still extremely likely.

I mean If I had managed to unlock Ganondorf or Falco, and they had any resemblance at all to their previous incarnations, I'd probably go online, scream "FUUUUUCK, THEY'RE CLONES AGAIN!!!", and go sulk in a corner or something. ^^

Yeah, I like to believe that, but I'm an evidence kinda guy.  Right now it says there are 4 characters who are basically clones.  Again, I never hated them in the first game, because despite having cloned moves they played different.  

I don't really mind Ganondorf being a CF clone...he was pretty different anyway. Plus the Subspace stuff will give them all plenty of character.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Who cares if falco is a clone of fox, luigi a clone of mario or ganondorf a clone of captain falco? they played really different, with different weights and different speeds and different jumps... It would have been a shame if they modified them a lot, because they were loved as they were... as for Dr. Mario, now that was a clone hehe unnecessary character, I think Mewtwo was really distinct from ness... but he got the cut... Toon link I think will be quite different from young link though.

I was kinda wishing the TMNT would show up in this SSB. Ever since Snake was announced I was hoping for some hero in a half shell action. I was sad Roy got cut too but then I noticed Ike has nearly the same moves and stats as he does so i guess that'd be fine.

now we know. *sigh*. i wanted it to be a surprise!!!