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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CryENGINE 2 to be shown running on PS3 and Xbox 360 at GDC

It'll be interesting to see how the engine compares on consoles to Unreal Engine 3.  Also it's probably now very likely that we'll see Crysis on at least one console if not both of them.


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Before people start making wild assumptions remember that even UE3 could probably run on the Wii but what matters is what they put into the engine.

It's not surprising in the least that CryENGINE can run on the 360 and PS3 but lets see what kind of textures they put on it while still doing all the physics.

twesterm said:
(...) remember that even UE3 could probably run on the Wii but what matters is what they put into the engine.




My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

That UE3 Wii port is being done by a licensee as opposed to the CryENGINE 2 port being done by the actual engine developer, that's a pretty significant difference.

twesterm said:
Before people start making wild assumptions remember that even UE3 could probably run on the Wii but what matters is what they put into the engine.

It's not surprising in the least that CryENGINE can run on the 360 and PS3 but lets see what kind of textures they put on it while still doing all the physics.

 Took the words right out of my mouth... which is a good thing because you know vastly more on the subject.

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Legend11 said:
That UE3 Wii port is being done by a licensee as opposed to the CryENGINE 2 port being done by the actual engine developer, that's a pretty significant difference.

 The PS3/360 port of the engine has been announced for a year and a half, I doubt about the Crysis version, mostly because they are selling the "dream" of a game ala Crysis with their engine... 

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twesterm said:
Before people start making wild assumptions remember that even UE3 could probably run on the Wii but what matters is what they put into the engine.

It's not surprising in the least that CryENGINE can run on the 360 and PS3 but lets see what kind of textures they put on it while still doing all the physics.

Although i can see what you're getting at, there really is no point in putting an engine designed for multi-thread processing/coding/multi-core on a (to the best of my knowledge) single-core set-up that the Wii has.

Legend11 said:
That UE3 Wii port is being done by a licensee as opposed to the CryENGINE 2 port being done by the actual engine developer, that's a pretty significant difference.

It doesn't make any difference in the context we were discussing. If someone can port it, it means it can run on the Wii, period.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I am definitely looking forward to this. If I were them I would focus heavily on making the graphics visual flair look just as impressive and worry about the physics AI second. You can get people excited just with a taste of graphics and let the Physics and AI have a bit more time after GDC...which is precisely what I expect them to do.

Either way I am looking forward to seeing the completed product and what it can do, should be interesting =)

To Each Man, Responsibility

crysis on console looking very likely now