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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is your favourite CHEAT for a videogame?

So, cheating is contoversial but some of them are quite good and add sometimes a lot of fun in games which aren't as funny as they could be.

 My favourite cheat is a real old one for my first console - N64 - and the game "Diddy Kong Racing" (some sort of "Mario Kart" just with cooler guys like Diddy Kong or my all-time favourite videogamestar CONKER.

Maybe some of you know this cool ice-pyramid in the multiplayer and the 3 floors of it. The cheat maxes every ballon so you can have 10 rockets if you get a red ballon. 

My friends and I used to kill first the NPC (we only had 3 controllers) and then started to track each other. After the first person lost the battle the "real" game started. 

There was no shooting until the 2 players left reached the top floor( one square with two red ballons and in the middle a hole to the lower floors . One player drove clockwise and the other counter-clockwise...

And then the duel started sometimes it was finished just after one round sometimes it took minutes... And so we played this hour after hour. Sometimes the whole night. It was incredible. Only one stage but it was  the best multiplayer-experience I've ever had!


So what is your favourite cheat and what is your story about it?! 


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IF you actually use cheats in games you should stop playing!!

It´s like solving a puzzle with the solution in hand just ridicioulous

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

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“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

My favorite cheat was definitely the 30 lives in Contra. God that game was so friggin hard. I'd played it for hours with my friend with just 3 lives each-never got far because we kinda sucked. So after inputting it in, we could get past most of levels before using all of the lives and then died-continued where we left off and beat the game using around 50 lives each.

vaio said:
IF you actually use cheats in games you should stop playing!!

It´s like solving a puzzle with the solution in hand just ridicioulous

 Lighten up-it's just a game.

You do whatever you can to have fun. 

Well some cheats like invincibility are really stupid if you use them but there are some of them which are really funny. I don't know if I liked Diddy Kong Racing that much without the cheat I mentioned. With this cheat Diddy is IMO more fun than the old Mario Kart 64!

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Naked lara Croft? 32 bits tits Hurray!!

Hmm now serious..;

Euhm I liked the cheats for my FF games all stats 255 at the beginning of the game =p Used them for my second playtrough.

Tiny mode in the first Mario Kart.

Granted this "cheat" actually made the game harder for you.

Jet pack in GTA:SA, just fly above people shooting them

'power overwhelming' in a fun map on Starcraft... Just building the base full of shit, controlling all 3 races by using a Dark Archon and then keeping the comp alive like im a zookeeper...


There is nothing wrong with using cheats, I wouldn't personally use them to complete the game, but after that they can add life.

How about this from Goldeneye: in the Bunker level (the first one) if you simultaneously destroy all the 8 computers hanging from the ceiling in the main room, from then on all large projectiles do not actually project.

for instance if you have the all weapons cheat on, (needed anyway because you cannot destroy the computers all at the same time without mines) you can fire rockets/grenades and throw mines etc, and all they do it stick in the air where you fired them from.