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Forums - General Discussion - Does anybody else miss leo-j

This site seems a bit empty without him. I miss his hardcore sony fanboyism and the dozens of posts that followed one of his.

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He banned for life or something? lol

no it is nice now

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I thought it was about 40 days worth of a ban.

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

yeah it is

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Hell no, he was cancer.


Eh, not really. He used to be funny... the last month or so he'd gotten pretty angry, somewhat agressive and annoying.

I blame it on cognitive dissonance as it became more and more likely in his mind that the PS3 isn't likely to turn it around and win the generation.

Seems to happen a lot around here for fanboys of all three consoles when they realize no console is perfect. Or rather their console isn't.

what did he do for a 40 day ban??

Good lord, no; after the number of times he's been banned already, he's easily deserving of a permanent ban.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Hmm not really, I see him on GT =).