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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony exclusives that went multiplat have largely failed


Is this truth>?

yes 168 42.21%
maybe 58 14.57%
no 172 43.22%

How can you compare MG SOLID to MG RISING, is a spin-off in a different genre and besides MGS was never exclusive to Playstation it was on PC and Xbox.

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They did not sell less from going multiplat, they sold less for not being better quality. Worse quality all together in some cases.

Some of your examples are horrible and misleading. Almost all games are selling less copies right now then if they had been released ealier in this generation. The ps2 was a dominant platform and there were less good games being produced back then. Final Fantasy 13 sucked compared to previous final fantasy games.  Way too many flaws.  Long term almost all of their games would be better off multiplatform.  Nuff said.  To compare a late gen Metal Gear spinoff with no Snake to possible the best main series Metal Gear game ever which has had years to accumilate sales is redicks.  Nah Mean?

Not only franchises but devs themselves who went multiplat damaged themselves. Ninja Theory went from Heavenly Sword to DmC

Chandler said:
RE 3 - 3,72
RE 4 - 7,45

Multiplatform for the win.  Also RE 5 sold 8.17 million as long as game is better or almost as good then its predecessor it will sell more by going multiplatform.  But if the quality declines a lot sales will suffer that is why RE 6 only sold 3.93 million copies so far.

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BossPuma said:


Metal Gear SOlid
MGS4 did 5.75 on ps3
Rising did 1.06 on ps360


Anyone have any more data to share?

Metal gear solid is not Rising. Everyone knew it was a spin-off and it sold less. Wait till the next MGS comes out and see how well that sells.

Sure, I'll predict the sales right now.

PS3: 4.78
360: 1.2

Lifetime. Just you watch.

Barozi said:
Basically you're comparing games that either lost quality (Tekken, Crash Bandicoot, FFXIII, Dead or Alive 5, DMC4) or spin-offs (MGS Rising, Persona 4 Arena).

That those games used to be exclusives (even though many games in these franchises were not) is not the deciding factor. From the games you listed, most are Japanese and that is no surprise to me. It just shows that the PS2 was the dominant platform last gen and that PS3+360 is basically the same now as PS2 was back then in size and that big Japanese developers (some excluded) haven't really evolved.

btw. Dead or Alive 4 sold 1.01m copies before the European sales for early 360 games in Europe went missing.


The fact that they used to be exclusive is essentially an irrelevant point.

Oh wow... you just dont get it do you?

The reason why combined they sell the same as they used to when they were exclusives on the PS2?

Take off those bias glasses. The market has changed. Its not 80% Sony, its 40% Sony 40% Microsoft. Publishers/developers had to adapt to the new market conditions. The fact that it sold similar numbers put together is proof of that.

Chris Hu said:
Chandler said:
RE 3 - 3,72
RE 4 - 7,45

Multiplatform for the win.  Also RE 5 sold 8.17 million as long as game is better or almost as good then its predecessor it will sell more by going multiplatform.  But if the quality declines a lot sales will suffer that is why RE 6 only sold 3.93 million copies so far.

>_> ITT at least two people who know 0% about resident evil.

forevercloud3000 said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
At the risk of being harsh, most of what you posted there is garbage. A franchise that declines from one itereation to the next is typical, regardless of gonig multiplatform. Also spinoffs and handhelds are silly comparissions.

Rachet and Clank: 3.33 million. Every game after that declines until we get offerings like A41 selling 1 million on PS3. OMG! Staying exlcussive killed the sales of the franchise!

Can you show any third party exclusive that stayed PS exclusive that had sales that actually increased this gen? No? OK, discussion closed.

That said, there is a seperate argument to be made that "masscote" exclusives are better off as exclusives. I am speaking of Crash Bandicoot. Crash is a weak character and a weak game but it had decent sales because Sony did great marketing of it in order to battle Mario. It probably would have sold like garbage if it wasn't pitched as the next Sonic. To a lesser extent you could say FF7 got a nice boost being pitched as Sony's "Zelda", so to speak. But these are 1st party titles really. As far as 3rd party titles go, there is absolutely no evidence to say that staying exclusive is good for them, or that exclusive/multiplat has any impact on sales.

i don't think the point is that staying exclusive increases sales. It is more that either way, the sales are not increasing due to being available on more consoles, it just ends up meaning making an over all less profit on sales you would have anyway.

Myth of going Multiplatform Dictates...

-Exclusive Game:3million

-Exclusive turn Multiplatform: 4.5million

-If remained Exclusive in this climate: 2million


Reality Dictates...

-Exclusive Game: 3million

-Exclusive turn Multiplatform:3-3.5million

-if remained Exclusive in this climate:3-3.2million

-Dev cost to port: loss of 0.3-0.5million

Your numbers are baseless.