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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 is "barely mediocre"? (According to Surfer Girl it is...)

Legend11 said:

Insomniac have a far better title that is further along in development. This resent seems justified."

Further along = fact

Far better = opinion

My opinion is Killzone 2 will be equal to or greater than resistance 2.

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What a horrible blog. I'm not questioning whether or not he/she played Killzone 2 in E3 or some other games convention, but I am questioning how he/she is able to argue Resistance 2 will be better than Killzone 2 when no one has even played Resistance 2.

Don't get me wrong, Insomniac is a great dev team, and I love their games to death, but I think it is too early to be making irrational statements like that.

I think Killzone 1 was a good game, and I also think the reason it didn't get the "AAA" status is because of the hardware limitations. I know, someone is going to give the "it was a supposed Halo-killer!" It wasn't Guerilla's statement. It was some idiot's who didn't know what he was talking about. Besides, they were completely different games. The only thing that was similar was that they were both FPS's. Other than that, the art direction and stories were different and good in their respective manners. Halo was a run and gun game, and Killzone was a cover and fire game. It's essentially like comparing CoD4 to Bioshock. Both are FPS's, but different in every other aspect. 

Guerilla Games has  great visionaries and art direction, and their programmers have the potential to make a great game. It's good to see--from what has been shown--that it's running smoothly on the new hardware. 

Maybe the fact that Killzone 2's budget is so huge will pay off in the long run. Aside from attracting casual gamers to the gorgeous graphics and what not, Sony might not let this game release until everyone of their cousins and cousins' friends love the game. More than likely, Sony is going to be extremely careful with their massive investment. They probably won't turn a profit until 2010. 

I'm beginning to think that blog is slandering about Killzone 2 to be entertaining. They don't go in depth as to why it's "mediocre." I've heard in IGN's podcast that it's a solid game from what they've played (controls etc.). 

PS3 Trophies

It's not really that much of a shock, I mean this is Killzone 2 we're talking about.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

She must've been like surfing the waves and hit a 360 bannana rocker spin, hit her head and was like whoa dude I think kz2 is gonna washout dude.

I'm afraid I read all of Surfer Girl's "predictions" with a grain of salt. They're always only rumors with no guarantees behind them. She supposedly has some sort of ties with someone, who obviously leaks top secret information to her... I don't know. I just don't trust her. I'll see what Sony themselves say.

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"She supposedly has some sort of ties with someone, who obviously leaks top secret information to her"

Funny how its for all three systems too. She must know alot of people in the industry and they all must trust her with information. What a coincidence that she knows CEO level people in 3 companies.

I wouldn't doubt it, but I will not take it from her.

PooperScooper said:
"She supposedly has some sort of ties with someone, who obviously leaks top secret information to her"

Funny how its for all three systems too. She must know alot of people in the industry and they all must trust her with information. What a coincidence that she knows CEO level people in 3 companies.

It's silly to think that only CEOs, and not any of the hundreds of people that are in some way connected a prodution, can leak inside information.

i know i probably sound like a troll, but my neighboor had the original killzone, we both thought it was a massive letdown. all im saying is the last time this game was released and everybody was dubbing it a halo killer it really did disapoint big time, so just dont get your hopes up.

Currently Playing: Gears 2, World at War, GTA IV, Banjo Nuts and Bolts

The Greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge - Stephen Hawking


Not really my thing, but I think I'll withhold judgment until the game is released.