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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Civilization Revolution put on indefinite hold

Meh. This is most disappointing, although it might not be that great. I was always a fan of the series, but I played Civ IV for about a month and got bored with it. 2 and 3 I played for years...


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Well, that makes no sense. They must not like Money.

Xbox360 has a slight edge over the Wii in America and Europe (other) combined markets as of now. So of course Xbox 360 is the console Firaxis is the most excited about. I seriously doubt Civ games will sale at all in the tough Japan market.


Wii has outsold 360 by over 1 million units in others.

God, this game will probably bomb on all platforms anyways. (I take exception to the DS, which is a mobile thing) Can you see Xbox 360, PS3 users just sitting on the couch, moving the analog sticks, selecting units to move on a 3D board (which is basically what it is), picking what buildings to built, and click end turn for hours at a time? Nobody beside PC users will be interested in this game. It's really no big loss if this game got canned altogether.

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Smidlee meant that the 360 leads in the combined American and Other markets, not that it leads in both markets. The American lead offsets Others.

kingofwale said:
>Why would you go PS360 when you would sell better on Wii?

not really, mutiplatform PS360 will for sure sell better than just Wii alone. Look at AC and CoD4.

if all company cheapens out and make games like Chicken Run for the pure sake of "save development cost", it will ruin the game industry as a whole.

 So why not go for PS360 and not Wii60 or PSWii? It's not like Civ is a graphically-driven franchise, and I doubt it's more expensive to port the code to Wii than it is to 360 or PS3.

 I'm not actually interested in this title, personally, but it's odd to cut the second-largest userbase out of the four platforms. I would think a franchise that's traditionally played with a mouse would be more at home with an IR pointer than a thumbstick, too.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

vanguardian1 said:
As a fan of the Civilization series since the first on PC so many years ago, I will only tell you that the PS3 and 360 owners are either going to be very disappointed in how it controls/plays, or it will be dumbed down massively and completely alienate the traditional civilization crowd (raises hand, even though I'll give the DS version a shot).

Basically, though I pretty much figured the game would be dumbed down from the start in the first place. If not a completely different style of game all together. I wonder why they are having problems on the wii version... since you can basically just use a mouse like imput and the civ games have never exactly been graphic whore games. Unless it's real time or something. Never did get the "Revolutions" thing. If not this game is likely just going to be Civ 4 1/2. With anythign that ends up working being moved over to 5.
Oddly i do think the Wii version would sell better too then the 360+PS3 version... the reason being the controls... even if it was a RTS the controls would be miles above on the Wii... trying to play civilization on a standardized controller would be a pain in the ass.

I played Civ 1 on the SNES, but i'd hate to go back... and Civ 1 was amazingly simple in comparison. 


naznatips said:
Gnizmo said:

Civ 2 is just so much better than 4 it is ridiculous. I do like a few of the changes in 4 but for the most part they were just undoing the horror that was Civ 3.

I completely agree.

What was so wrong with Civ 3? I thought culture and borders were pretty sweet, and they vastly improved the negotiations and treaties over Civ 2. I also liked the changes to combat regarding unit experience and hp, artillery units, and so forth. What did Civ 4 do besides refine the government system and go back to a square grid? (I admit, the square grid is worth it all by itself, I've hated isometric view with a passion since it was born. Also, I don't own Civ 4, so this is an honest question, not a rhetorical one.)

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they're having trouble getting the game to run in the Wii's limited amount of RAM.  The Civ games have been extremely RAM-hungry on the PC.

Entroper said:
naznatips said:
Gnizmo said:

Civ 2 is just so much better than 4 it is ridiculous. I do like a few of the changes in 4 but for the most part they were just undoing the horror that was Civ 3.

I completely agree.

What was so wrong with Civ 3? I thought culture and borders were pretty sweet, and they vastly improved the negotiations and treaties over Civ 2. I also liked the changes to combat regarding unit experience and hp, artillery units, and so forth. What did Civ 4 do besides refine the government system and go back to a square grid? (I admit, the square grid is worth it all by itself, I've hated isometric view with a passion since it was born. Also, I don't own Civ 4, so this is an honest question, not a rhetorical one.)

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they're having trouble getting the game to run in the Wii's limited amount of RAM. The Civ games have been extremely RAM-hungry on the PC.

I got Civ 4 pretty much when it came out and it was really disappointing. It got a 3D lift but that really didn't add anything to the game. For me, the game pretty much slowed down after a while into the game when there were more units and cities and everything on the map. Civ4 was basically a refined cross between 2 and 3 but it just plain sucked.