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Forums - General Discussion - A tribute to the most underrated musician ever: Trent Reznor (Project NiN)

Michael Trent Reznor, or just commonly referred to as Trent Reznor is a worldwide known genius (mostly by older people in the 20's-30's). He made people like Marilyn Manson to what they are today (big stars). He knows when he sees talent, because when you have it yourself, you know what it takes. I, myself, am a big fan of him and his project nine inch nails, i got lots of merchandise (Posters/Cd's, etc) but i still feel i haven't give enough love to him yet. The world needs to know what talent exists on this planet, before it's too late (Heith Ledger comes to mind).

- Trent Reznor, living legend.

Frankly, I myself had never heared of the band till spring last year. The band doesn't have many music videos up (well they do have but since it's not mainstream music, the mainstream channels won't broadcast it either, seems logical huh) (atleast in my country this is the fact)

But at one day i was watching world of warcraft movies (back then i still played the game) and i heared this song, i couldn't fit it in a genre yet it felt so amazing. The energy put in the music was unknown for me till that moment. I immediatelly checked out youtube and myspace of the band to check out some other songs and it was more or less a love at first sight. Every album has new sound attached to it, made with different feelings , but in the end they all come from the same brilliant man, Trent Reznor.

I ended up listening to songs from (probably) the most known album (and it also became my favorite) : The Fragile. From that day to today i still listen to every song of the band, atleast once a day. Why? Because i need to. The sound the music has gives me this feeling the world is a lot shittier than it seems, we all need to realize that. It also shows me that the pop music that is populair nowadays, is actually, crap. the 70's and 80's got musicians that had talent, and fully showed it in all its glory, but year after year i see talent slowly fading away. Pop artists like Rihanna or the PCD's are well known these days, but why do people like them? Simple, it sounds good. They often have catchy tunes attached to them in a videoclip with a bigbreasted girl or a goodlooking guy.

But im going offtopic a bit, since this thread is dedicated to my idol. So how do you call the music he makes? Some call it industrial, others call it electronic rock/metal. I just like to call it artistic, because it is just a form of art.

Looking at nine inch nails one would say it isn't really a band. It's just Trent himself and every 2 year or so he finds himself other people that have talent and go tour and make music with them. So basically he is the only consistent member of the band, his project.

I haven't seen any live performances yet, simply because all of my friends don't like the music and have their own tastes (which i respect ofcourse), but looking at the youtube performances showing the Year Zero tour i was really astonished at how much energy he produces with it. I find it to be full of awesomeness and one of my wishes would be to once see a live performance by then, even if it is just one song, i don't care.

What i want to achieve with this? I just want to show a lot of people that have never heared of this band to see what they have missed ; Art.

Heres one of my favorite studio performances. Sorry Machina-AX, i know you dislike this one =D

Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming (From the album Still)




I hope you enjoyed my little story and are willing to give a chance to his man, because he deserves much much more than what he has now.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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I don't know too much of his stuff, but my favourite is definitely his collaboration with David Bowie in I'm Afraid of Americans

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I actually think he's pretty overrated... as everything he's done recently has both sucked and not differed fundamentally from his hits... but to each their own.

Also... mainstream radiostations don't play Nine Inch Nails? Are you kidding me? Like every radiostation in my area anywhere near that genre plays NIN... pretty much every rock station, those 70's 80's 90's and today stations, any pop stations, new stations.

NIN songs are all over the place... like... EVERYWHERE.

Ah, a quick check from your profile shows your not in the USA.

Yeah. NIN is big everywhere... or rather were moreso in the 90's though Trent does still get a huge amount of play in the US.

His stuff has been Mainstream in the US since I was in highschool though. 

Kasz216 said:
I actually think he's pretty overrated... as everything he's done recently has both sucked and not differed fundamentally from his hits... but to each their own.

Also... mainstream radiostations don't play Nine Inch Nails? Are you kidding me? Like every radiostation in my area anywhere near that genre plays NIN... pretty much every rock station, those 70's 80's 90's and today stations, any pop stations, new stations.

NIN songs are all over the place... like... EVERYWHERE.

Ah, a quick check from your profile shows your not in the USA.

Yeah. NIN is big everywhere... or rather were moreso in the 90's though Trent does still get a huge amount of play in the US.

 Yeah i should have said i don't hear it in my country, and i don't know how it is in the USA or other countries. But i don't agree he's overrated, then you haven't heard enough yet.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Neos said:
Kasz216 said:
I actually think he's pretty overrated... as everything he's done recently has both sucked and not differed fundamentally from his hits... but to each their own.

Also... mainstream radiostations don't play Nine Inch Nails? Are you kidding me? Like every radiostation in my area anywhere near that genre plays NIN... pretty much every rock station, those 70's 80's 90's and today stations, any pop stations, new stations.

NIN songs are all over the place... like... EVERYWHERE.

Ah, a quick check from your profile shows your not in the USA.

Yeah. NIN is big everywhere... or rather were moreso in the 90's though Trent does still get a huge amount of play in the US.

Yeah i should have said i don't hear it in my country, and i don't know how it is in the USA or other countries. But i don't agree he's overrated, then you haven't heard enough yet.

Oh, i've heard plenty. There were few bigger musicians then NIN in my area while I was in highschool. You saw about 3 times as many NIN shirts in school then any other band.

Trust me... i've basically heard it all aside from like the newest albulm.

Johnny Cash does some pretty awesome NIN covers... which says something since i hate country. I honestly like them better then the originals.

If I turned the radio on to this day i'd be surprised if i couldn't find a NIN song on the radio within an hour.

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Kasz216 said:
Neos said:
Kasz216 said:
I actually think he's pretty overrated... as everything he's done recently has both sucked and not differed fundamentally from his hits... but to each their own.

Also... mainstream radiostations don't play Nine Inch Nails? Are you kidding me? Like every radiostation in my area anywhere near that genre plays NIN... pretty much every rock station, those 70's 80's 90's and today stations, any pop stations, new stations.

NIN songs are all over the place... like... EVERYWHERE.

Ah, a quick check from your profile shows your not in the USA.

Yeah. NIN is big everywhere... or rather were moreso in the 90's though Trent does still get a huge amount of play in the US.

Yeah i should have said i don't hear it in my country, and i don't know how it is in the USA or other countries. But i don't agree he's overrated, then you haven't heard enough yet.

Oh, i've heard plenty. There were few bigger musicians then NIN in my area while I was in highschool. You saw about 3 times as many NIN shirts in school then any other band.

Trust me... i've basically heard it all aside from like the newest albulm.

Johnny Cash does some pretty awesome NIN covers... which says something since i hate country. I honestly like them better then the originals.

If I turned the radio on to this day i'd be surprised if i couldn't find a NIN song on the radio within an hour.

 sounds like i need to live in the USA then. I have to agree with you that especially the Johnny cash cover of 'Hurt' still gives me goosebumps, but i'm not sure if it's better than the original.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Neos said:
Kasz216 said:
Neos said:
Kasz216 said:
I actually think he's pretty overrated... as everything he's done recently has both sucked and not differed fundamentally from his hits... but to each their own.

Also... mainstream radiostations don't play Nine Inch Nails? Are you kidding me? Like every radiostation in my area anywhere near that genre plays NIN... pretty much every rock station, those 70's 80's 90's and today stations, any pop stations, new stations.

NIN songs are all over the place... like... EVERYWHERE.

Ah, a quick check from your profile shows your not in the USA.

Yeah. NIN is big everywhere... or rather were moreso in the 90's though Trent does still get a huge amount of play in the US.

Yeah i should have said i don't hear it in my country, and i don't know how it is in the USA or other countries. But i don't agree he's overrated, then you haven't heard enough yet.

Oh, i've heard plenty. There were few bigger musicians then NIN in my area while I was in highschool. You saw about 3 times as many NIN shirts in school then any other band.

Trust me... i've basically heard it all aside from like the newest albulm.

Johnny Cash does some pretty awesome NIN covers... which says something since i hate country. I honestly like them better then the originals.

If I turned the radio on to this day i'd be surprised if i couldn't find a NIN song on the radio within an hour.

sounds like i need to live in the USA then. I have to agree with you that especially the Johnny cash cover of 'Hurt' still gives me goosebumps, but i'm not sure if it's better than the original.

Yeah, or atleast in suburbs around Cleveland. Trent really was huge around here. Harder to tell now since i don't run into such large masses of people anymore. Even in college NIN shirts were the majority i'd say.

Amusingly the people who were his biggest fans usually were fans of european industiral music. Which is notable because NIN is basically the only thing close to "Industrial" music you can find in the area on a radio station.

Of course this may be due to Trent's connection with Cleveland.

Meh. I never liked Reznor much. While he did do a lot to make industrial metal popular, there's a ton of better bands/artists/projects in the genre. Not to mention the fact that his lyrics are pretty much universally cringe-worthy.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



lol, i can't help but laugh at the though you just discovered NIN. I've been a huge fan since 1990 when a friend loaned me his copy of pretty hate machine. But I completely agree with you about NIN being great. Maybe not for anyone but Trent is really good at what he does. NIN is definitely in my top 10 favorite bands. xD

kitler53 said:
lol, i can't help but laugh at the though you just discovered NIN. I've been a huge fan since 1990 when a friend loaned me his copy of pretty hate machine. But I completely agree with you about NIN being great. Maybe not for anyone but Trent is really good at what he does. NIN is definitely in my top 10 favorite bands. xD

 Guess that's what being in another country does.  Reminds me of when Santana had that big hit and everyone in the US thought they were a new band.