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Neos said:
Kasz216 said:
Neos said:
Kasz216 said:
I actually think he's pretty overrated... as everything he's done recently has both sucked and not differed fundamentally from his hits... but to each their own.

Also... mainstream radiostations don't play Nine Inch Nails? Are you kidding me? Like every radiostation in my area anywhere near that genre plays NIN... pretty much every rock station, those 70's 80's 90's and today stations, any pop stations, new stations.

NIN songs are all over the place... like... EVERYWHERE.

Ah, a quick check from your profile shows your not in the USA.

Yeah. NIN is big everywhere... or rather were moreso in the 90's though Trent does still get a huge amount of play in the US.

Yeah i should have said i don't hear it in my country, and i don't know how it is in the USA or other countries. But i don't agree he's overrated, then you haven't heard enough yet.

Oh, i've heard plenty. There were few bigger musicians then NIN in my area while I was in highschool. You saw about 3 times as many NIN shirts in school then any other band.

Trust me... i've basically heard it all aside from like the newest albulm.

Johnny Cash does some pretty awesome NIN covers... which says something since i hate country. I honestly like them better then the originals.

If I turned the radio on to this day i'd be surprised if i couldn't find a NIN song on the radio within an hour.

sounds like i need to live in the USA then. I have to agree with you that especially the Johnny cash cover of 'Hurt' still gives me goosebumps, but i'm not sure if it's better than the original.

Yeah, or atleast in suburbs around Cleveland. Trent really was huge around here. Harder to tell now since i don't run into such large masses of people anymore. Even in college NIN shirts were the majority i'd say.

Amusingly the people who were his biggest fans usually were fans of european industiral music. Which is notable because NIN is basically the only thing close to "Industrial" music you can find in the area on a radio station.

Of course this may be due to Trent's connection with Cleveland.