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I'm a huge fan of the series ever since my dad introduced me to it a couple years ago. Me and my friends went to see the newest one on Friday, and I'd have to say it was frickin amazing!

To be honest, I was afraid it would be a dud just like the New Rocky movie with Stallone, but it was the exact opposite. This movie delivered, big time!

I loved the parts where the sniper took out the enemies with the .50 cal sniper rifle and when Rambo smokes the guy inside the jeep with the turret attached to the back!


Has anyone else seen this amazing movie, what did you think?

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Heres a trailer to show how cool it is:

I saw it Friday night, it was quite possibly the goriest action movie I've seen to date. It was great to watch, but I really think that Sylvester Stallone shouldn't be allowed to write anymore. Great action movie though.

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Yea i saw it yesterday. I loved it. I hadn't seen a Rambo movie since I was little. It was flipping awesome. School boy's 50 cal was awesome. Stallone was jacked in this movie which is amazing because hes 61!!!!!

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

@ quarashi: I agree with you man! its crazy he was so jacked at that age...I heard he may have taken steroids, but I don't really believe that.

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All that needs to be said.
teh lulz

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haha I heard about the steroid rumor also. If i wasn't so lazy i would do some digging to figure it out. I never saw Rocky Balboa, was he this big in that?!
ps my ticket stub said John Rambo even though the movie was officially changed to just Rambo, thats how ghetto the theatre i went to was.

Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

I watched in and i really liked it. I believe its one of the best in the series.

Proud owner of all three consoles and handhelds.

Gamertag: MrKetchup911 (Add me up)

Great movie. Any action movie fan needs to watch it. A must-watch movie.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I loved First Blood and hated the other Rambos. Should I watch this?