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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Biggest Game Glitchs Ever!!

Cant remember witch one, but it was in a pokemon.. when you save.. put a item on on pokemon go to put it in the band.. and when it got to 3rd "." turn it off and then you'd have 2 :D

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wfz said:
How about the Arwings in Ocarina of Time? That's the best glitch ever, nothing can ever compare.

 Whaa? Do you have a source on this one, by chance?


Anyway - the biggest glitch that I've come across as of late was in Psi Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, an otherwise good psychic/shooter/physics-screw-around game. At one point, you get to a certain boss. To kill her, you need to toss barrels(?) at her that pop out of the ground. However, about half the time, the barrels won't rise up, leaving you with no way to harm her at all.

Sadly, I ran into this glitch, and reloads didn't help, so I never finished the game.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



the original morrowind--the two weapon glitch--i found it by mistake and ruined my game--it gave me a 3 digit speed and i couldnt wallk with oout over shooting towns


Ok showing my age now,
The final jump in jet set willy being to long to land making the game unfinishable, and the fountain glich in might and magic 2 on the megadrive setting all your statts to 1 and saving the game. Not fun after 40 hours.

'You should try everything once in your life except incest, homosexuality and morris dancing' - Oscar Wylde (sort of)

Once, in Vice City, I had finished a particularly tough mission. I was driving to a safe house, to save my game, when a civilian ran up to the driver's side door, and got inside of my car. Problem was, He sat right inside of my character! The computerised car jacker drove aimlessly around Vice City for about 30 minutes, and I couldn't get out of the car. Eventually, I just turned it off. I was so disgusted with the game, I went on several review sites, and bashed the shit out of that game. GTA games were always glitch fests, but this was too much!

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I'm surprised no one has posted this yet. This is one of the best sources for game glitches. Hasn't been updated in years though(last update was around the begining of the Gamecube) but for SNES, NES, and N64 there is no better resource for game glitches, you name a game, he probably has glitches for it.

Bunny hoppinh in old CS is one of the greatest ever.

Was there any pikmin or pikmin 2 glitches. I never really founf any problems at all with that game, (Not that I looked)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

I liked a lot of the glitches in Mario Kart 64. There were all kinds of weird things you could do (jump through walls, jump over fences, and soar through pure nothingness) to get a better race time.

To see what I mean, watch this video:

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