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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan sales: Famitsu & Media create - Week 10 ( Mar 4 - Mar 10 )

morenoingrato said:

That would be me. I was wrong, you were right.

Does that make you feel more confident about yourself? 

I have more than enough confidence, so i won't be needing anymore.

Thanks for asking.

Around the Network

Those comparing the Vita/3DS situation to winning a game in a sports matchup -- so what you're saying is that the Vita is now something like 60-1? Take it from me, that's more deserving of a Bronx cheer than genuine celebration.

the_dengle said:
Those comparing the Vita/3DS situation to winning a game in a sports matchup -- so what you're saying is that the Vita is now something like 60-1? Take it from me, that's more deserving of a Bronx cheer than genuine celebration.

let them have there 1 time victory, one battle out of 100s isnt bad. Nintendo will always win the war!

tbone51 said:

let them have there 1 time victory, one battle out of 100s isnt bad. Nintendo will always win the war!

Console war or handheld war?

Deyon said:
tbone51 said:

let them have there 1 time victory, one battle out of 100s isnt bad. Nintendo will always win the war!

Console war or handheld war?

Consoles ~ Sony>>Nintendo Handheld ~ Nintendo>>>>>Sony

Around the Network
Michael-5 said:
ethomaz said:
SS sold 92k single and 22k double copies...

140k combined?

Your math is terrible. 114k combined.

What's the second game included in the double pack?

Soul Sacrifice. I'm not sure if you are joking or not.

Michael-5 said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:


40 000
60 000
80 000



  Nintendo 3DS 60 800 units
  PlayStation Portable 17 954 units
  PlayStation Vita 61 152 units
  Wii 1742 units
  Wii U 9089 units
  PlayStation 3 19 155 units
  Xbox 360 495 units

I've got different numbers for hardware, but yea Vita topped 3DS

Media Creat Sales

PSV - 63,581
3DS - 61,008 (2/3rds are XL sales)
PS3 - 19,567
PSP - 18,023
WiiU - 9,454
Wii - 1,363
360 - 738

Wait WTF? Was DS discontinued in Japan?

It was discontinued before PS2! LOL wow.

 The one you quoted is Famitsu numbers and I already have the MC numbers on my 2nd post.

ethomaz said:

Conegamer said:

It was at one point

But yes, certainly one of the strongest launches for a new IP, and far exceeded my expectations (certainly when we don't know digital sales!).

I wonder if it will leg out to 500k. That would be a major feat.

Yeap... there are a lot... Nintendodogs, God Eater (@benao87 said), etc... so only good... not great lol

Rather the contrary, it's just that you need to calm down before making predictions, and setting your expectations. It was a bloody good FW, and responded well to the huge push from Sony.

Nobody answered my question. What's the next big game on Vita?

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

NintendoPie said:
ethomaz said:
Yeap... a dead handheld outselling a successful handheld is not a accomplishment lol lol lol

Right when I saw this thread I knew people were going to act as if 1'000 or so is a huge gain over the 3DS. It's good, yeah (especially since it had no drop really) but not something to go yelling on the streets about, yet.

One week when the 3DS sells a little above the PSV I'm going to post, "Woot! Look at the 3DS goooo!" (Actually, I'm not. I promise!)

the standard for Vita is much lower obviously.  I don't think anyone saw this coming when it didn't even catch it price cut week.  If it stays above 60k next week, hell even 50k that'll be great.  3DS will have a big release and shoot up to over 100k obviously but Vita just surviving would be a reason to be excited let alone going above a less expensive and obviously more successful system.

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