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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should it be necessary to have a PS2, PS3 AND PS4 hooked up all at once to play?

darkknightkryta said:
You can say that for every console not a 360. Snes didn't pay NES games. N64 didn't play she's games. Saturn didn't play Genesis/Cd/32x games. Dreamcast never played Saturn games. Etc, etc. plus the ps4 won't be able to play PSX games cause it doesn't read CDs. It's the nature of gaming. Don't buy new consoles until you've finished your backlog. It's why I won't buy a PS4 for a while.

pretty much sums it up for me.

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TheKoreanGuy said:

The Cell processor is the main reason for the high cost of PS3. If PS3 launched at $499 without Cell and with BC, I would bet that it would've sold so much better. Sony didn't ditch PS2 BC because it proved to be worthless. They did it to lower costs in order to alleviate their other poor decisions with the PS3. Now PS4 has to suffer because Sony is smart enough to ditch the Cell processor. I'm not saying having no BC is a deal breaker, but having it is a GOOD selling point, if not major for others.

I have no clue why you're insisting. Having a PS2 cpu & gpu on the PS3 board did add to the price tag.

The PS3 was pricy because of the Cell, XDR RAM, wifi, bluray, HD, PS2 BC.... And the last one was the weakest link.

darkknightkryta said:
rutea7 said:
darkknightkryta said:

You bought the God of War PS3?????

No, last years I sold my fat ps3 without the ds3 and got the ps3 slim red with two red ds3, I love it. Besides I had some friends over and with 3 controllers we had some fun with games like motorstorm apocalypse, Scott pilgrim and lbp2. It was a mess of course.

Yeah my fat PS3 is currently my Netflix box in the family room.  Was it a mess?  Or was it the greatest night of gaming ever?!!!!

An awesome mess, it was lots of fun

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
TheKoreanGuy said:

The Cell processor is the main reason for the high cost of PS3. If PS3 launched at $499 without Cell and with BC, I would bet that it would've sold so much better. Sony didn't ditch PS2 BC because it proved to be worthless. They did it to lower costs in order to alleviate their other poor decisions with the PS3. Now PS4 has to suffer because Sony is smart enough to ditch the Cell processor. I'm not saying having no BC is a deal breaker, but having it is a GOOD selling point, if not major for others.

I have no clue why you're insisting. Having a PS2 cpu & gpu on the PS3 board did add to the price tag.

The PS3 was pricy because of the Cell, XDR RAM, wifi, bluray, HD, PS2 BC.... And the last one was the weakest link.

Again, if they didn't use the Cell, PS2 BC could've been achieved much more easily without much of a price tag. Basically, what I'm saying is it's Sony's own fault that PS2 BC was removed, and so early on too. I'm only insisting because you were implying in your original quote that BC is worthless, and I'm saying it's not.

TheKoreanGuy said:

Again, if they didn't use the Cell.

Let me stop you right there. The Cell processor is the PS3. It has it's ups and downs but I wouldn't trade this:


just to be able to play PS2 games.

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Its more to do with the person and what specific games they want to play. I still pull out my Dreamcast and Saturn for a few hours (twice a year maybe), I havnt played my PS2 in a few years now and my psone gete played almost daily... as an emulator on my phone. Same with N64. As good as this generation was and because it was so long, ive had my fill of its games for a while. Theres nothing to bring me back anytime soon so im happy to pack them away for a while.

But I get where the OP is heading; sometimes I get a craving for a certain game but its packed away and by the time I get it out the craving has passed. Its for a quick fix of the old days that will never make me throw out my older consoles.

PS4 Gaikai BC sounds like a good idea, games streamable over the cloud. But the issue is our Internet connections. My connection isn't perfect, I don't want to be dependent on it for gaming.

The other thing is our digital content purchased over PSN and our PSN Plus accounts. What will Sony do about that?

I'm still confused about how their planning to resolve these issues.

I suppose for Sony it means PS3 sales will still be pretty strong. I may get another PS3 when it drops to $200 because mine will probably need replacing by then, and I still want to play my old games.

Sensei said:

I still have my PS2 but I can count the times I used it after getting a PS3. Maybe 2 or 3 times. So my answer would be no, no need to have all 3 plugged because I hardly play old games at all. At best, keep the older consoles boxed and unbox once you have nostalgia feelings. Then box them again for a few more years.

I think backwards compatibility is overrated imho. I buy new consoles to play new games. The old games I'm most likely sick of/tired to play anyway. Gotta move on, just watch some youtube video and the will to play goes away. Also, many times I come back to an old game I realise how bad it is compared to new games - bad graphics, etc, or how badly it aged and put it aside pretty quickly...

It's not over-rated at all. It's essential,especially for the first year.

DigitalDevilSummoner said:
TheKoreanGuy said:

Again, if they didn't use the Cell.

Let me stop you right there. The Cell processor is the PS3. It has it's ups and downs but I wouldn't trade this:


just to be able to play PS2 games.

Lol, and that's why Sony is ditching Cell completely for PS4, right? But anyways, in Killzone's case, that is the work of Guerrilla Games, not the Cell. Don't fool yourself. Just look at Shadow Fall. No Cell processor there.

I don't think you really understand what I'm trying to say. It's fine with me if Sony removed PS2 BC even without Cell and it's fine that PS4 doesn't have PS3 BC. It's not a mandatory requirement by any means. I'm just saying it's something GOOD to have. That's the point I've been trying to get across this whole time. If you don't agree with that, then whatever.

Edit: double post