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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

benao87 said:
Prof, or truck, are you going to replace MTZehvor, and Seth? I reckon this point is highly important.

I have already contacted players, thank you for your concern.

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Her breath appeared as a puff of steam as Samus stood in the cold lifeless room fitting her armor absentmindedly.
A series of checks spun their way through her biocom like a birthing checklist.
Checking Oxygen . . . Clear
Checking Structural Supports . . . Clear
Checking Tactile Network . . . Clear
Checking Audio Frequencies . . . Clear
These checks were a typical system maintenance that seldom deserved the attention they were being given, but she felt unable to focus on anything else - questions floated around in her mind with no answers despite their simplicity.
"What was I doing here? What was I doing outside? More importantly, why is Adam here?"
Checking Exhaust Systems . . . Clear
At his name, she shook her head and focused on the systems check once again.
Checking Intertial Dampener . . . Clear
Checking Thrusters . . . Clear
Checking Messaging Relay . . . beepbeepbeep
Samus almost jumped at the interruption, the noise emanating from her arm console reminded her that she wasn't really paying attention at all.
"Just breath, Samus. Deep breaths"
She looked down at flicked up the center console panel to reveal the holo-screen embedded shallowly into the plating.

The holo-screen sprung to life, with a spinning globe, overlaid by stars and was accompanied by a friendly jingle that was the hallmark of Galactic Federation internal messages. A woman's perky, cheerful voice came on.

Hi Samus, this is a special message from the council, feel free to share it with the rest of the crew, since we don't seem to be able to reach their comsat station due to interference. Patching the council through now! She giggled lightly and waved as the image switched over to an imposing scene. Shadows seated abreast at a table with a soft blue rear-lit striped wall. A man's voice-scrambled pitch began -


She looked puzzled. Right there....there, another question she had no answer to.
She flicked the encoder again to replay the message, hoping there was something she had missed, but it refused to play. Her suit resumed its biocom initialization sequence.

Checking Messaging Center . . . Failed. Incompatible data for allowable transmissions. Please connect with a server frame.
The checks paused for an instant.
All systems nominal.
Engage Helmet Clamps to Complete Bio-Insulation Sequence.

Samus brushed her hair back with a free hand as she gingerly grabbed for her helm. With a twist and a hiss the plating locked in, the HUD shimmering to life. She glanced at the time - 22:45.
"Not much time, before I have to check in the the central server. That should be in the main communications deck", committing her console map to memory. "....and where Adam will be". The door opened with a whoosh, and she stepped through, steeling herself.

DarkThanatos said:
I freaking forgot it was night talk enabled last night. I see Linkz switch vote and go for Radishhead, think "what a scummy dick" and leave thinking I'm going to have to wait til the next day.

Can I just say to begin with how much I dislike Linkz's last minute vote changes. Players were going off Radish, everyone that was online was voting Yoshiya and it was the action I presumed was going to go through, then Linkz takes the game into his own hands and switches his vote to a player I thought was strong town as I said half an hour earlier. Linkz switches his vote a lot, town and scum so it's not a tell unfortunately, but damn does it irritate me. I don't really care what his reasons he gave were, as (as I said at the start of the day) Linkz is a smooth talking easy lying pro-manipulator. I mean that with respect as well btw.
For me, it seems he switched the vote from a scummy player to a townie player with full intention knowing he could quite easily bull his way through it that night before actions took place.
If I was a town vig I know who I would be targeting.

You did absolutely nothing last night. You weren't even interested to stay online long enough to see the flip, or lacktherof.

DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
I'll go out on a limb and say that everyone who posted at Night is likely town, because scum is afraid of linkz.

On the contrary, id go out on a logic and say that sim want to try and dictate or lead town direction and so would make a conceited effort to make posts like that. Hang on, did you not make a post telling town protecting abilities where to go? 

Yes, now that you are here, I will have to take my statement back.

Why did you let scum yoshi off the hook?

I was under the presumption that Yoshiya would be lynched anyway. Linkz is the one that switched, not to mention- even if I had votes Yoshiya - as I said the only players online already had voted Yoshiy with the exception of me. Seeing how scummy that switch is as it takes the control ways from towns decision- I thought now town would do it. No town did. 

Yoshi only led radish by one vote, if you were so sure radish was scum and swayed by radish's case on yoshi you had absolutely no reason not to vote for Yoshi. If you had, my switch would have only resulted in a no lynch instead.

DarkThanatos said:
RolStoppable said:
DarkThanatos said:

I was under the presumption that Yoshiya would be lynched anyway. Linkz is the one that switched, not to mention- even if I had votes Yoshiya - as I said the only players online already had voted Yoshiy with the exception of me. Seeing how scummy that switch is as it takes the control ways from towns decision- I thought now town would do it. No town did. 

Don't you think it's scummy to not support town's decision, especially when you yourself stated that yoshi is scummy? Why would you not vote for a person that you think deserves to be lynched? Explain that.

Didn't need to be done. I'd made my opinion on the matter clear, and if'd voted Yoshiya then no-one would have changed anything and thus not exposing themselves as scummy.

Honestly, if I was scummates with Yoshiya do you not think I'd have made damn sure I was on that lynch with the evidence easy to display before the world?

Obviously it did matter. Except you are the one exposed as scummy.

Exactly, hence why I believe Yoshi is town also. radish had claimed not to have a power already, so what better mislynch then someone who was unclaimed? And what better way to have it go down than to not have your name tied to it?

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wanted to come in the thread to find the flip while i take a break while studying
can't find the flip
more substantial post later

If you mean you can't find the post. The lynch(of radish) failed. He claimed 1-shot unlynchable.

This is probably my last post of the Night. Should I not survive into Day,(yes I think that's a very real possibility) here's my thoughts.

Don't lynch these people unless you have scans saying otherwise:
Stefl, zero, radish, happy, Noctis
Probably town, but consider scanning them to be sure:
nen,(based on claim only) benao, Rol, Yoshi, Nacho, Astro
I'm neutral:
MT's replacement, FF, Seth's replacement, spurge
Likely scum, consider scanning to prevent a possible mislynch:
Mario, Bong, hatmoza
Lynch it and thank me later:

Linkzmax said:
DarkThanatos said:
I freaking forgot it was night talk enabled last night. I see Linkz switch vote and go for Radishhead, think "what a scummy dick" and leave thinking I'm going to have to wait til the next day.

Can I just say to begin with how much I dislike Linkz's last minute vote changes. Players were going off Radish, everyone that was online was voting Yoshiya and it was the action I presumed was going to go through, then Linkz takes the game into his own hands and switches his vote to a player I thought was strong town as I said half an hour earlier. Linkz switches his vote a lot, town and scum so it's not a tell unfortunately, but damn does it irritate me. I don't really care what his reasons he gave were, as (as I said at the start of the day) Linkz is a smooth talking easy lying pro-manipulator. I mean that with respect as well btw.
For me, it seems he switched the vote from a scummy player to a townie player with full intention knowing he could quite easily bull his way through it that night before actions took place.
If I was a town vig I know who I would be targeting.

You did absolutely nothing last night. You weren't even interested to stay online long enough to see the flip, or lacktherof.

I was online.. You switched your vote with like less then a minute to go. I refreshed my browser and you'd done in Radishhead. Regardless of all of that- It was 2AM. All the players who live in my area had left 3 hours ago. What is your point? 

And I'll tell you what I didn't do last night- I didn't switch my vote at the last second to someone many people considered clear town.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Is anyone else irritated with Linkz's attitude that he can make an executive decision for town?

Last game Linkz counter-claimed the real cop because Linkz thought that the cop was lying, and so because he has such a high opinion of his own intuition he decided to lie to town and get the real cop mislynched day one. No-one had counter-claimed Hatz but that didn't matter to Linkz, because he thought that Hatz was lying.
Last game because of Linkz’ arrogance he cost town dearly.
The game players that had come online decided that Radish is likely town and unvoted him. The players online at the deadline thought that Yoshiya was scummy enough for lynch over him. Again, Linkz decides that it doesn't matter, and he can go against all discussion and get someone that the informed majority think are town lynched, as he can make the executive decision for town.

Frankly it's pissing me off, as despite what you may think of yourself Linkz- your reads aren't that accurate. As evidenced by your play last game, and this game. You've been after most of the players you now consider town and you even jump hammered a player you are now saying shouldn't be lynched?!

I’m going to throw you a bone here, I’m saying you’re probably going to be left alive as town because you’re doing such a bad job of it.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War