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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:

So perhaps I was confused about the roles. How do you view Rol's reasoning that Radish is likely town based on his role?

Perhaps? How'd you go from 1xUnlynchable to 1x Bulletproof anyway?

It's very uncommon to begin with, and I'm of the firm belief that scum should never have any way to prevent a lynch. That said, prof allowing Night talk is already unorthodox so it's only a 99.9% kind of thing. And for the other 0.1%, if radish IS scum then he'd better have an extreme weakness like being linked(As in Lovers or Siblings) so that he could/can die by means other than the lynch.

Not sure why I confused the wording, I didn't really think of a difference between bullet proof and lynch proof til you brought it up. I did go back to the claim and you are right, only thing I can think of is that nen starts talking about deathproof right after and I guess I just figured being safe from getting killed is just that.

What was it that made you move from your position that Radish is not confirmed town, to now saying he's 99.9% confirmed? His claim?

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Linkzmax said:
Interesting.. and also not.
Looks like there's a Governor/Mayor. Probably a plus. No flip means a lack of information, but if radish was a mislynch it's not so bad.


Linkzmax said:
It's possible radish is unlynchable too, but he didn't play at all like I imagine he would if he couldn't be lynched. If that's the case though he'd undoubtedly be town.

Linkzmax said:
Linkzmax said:
Interesting.. and also not.
Looks like there's a Governor/Mayor. Probably a plus. No flip means a lack of information, but if radish was a mislynch it's not so bad.


Linkzmax said:
It's possible radish is unlynchable too, but he didn't play at all like I imagine he would if he couldn't be lynched. If that's the case though he'd undoubtedly be town.

Do you trust his unlynchable claim, or could it still be a governor that stepped in?

Also, Rol also answered for you but what is your rational for switching last minute to bring down the hammer on a player you suspected to be town? Why would killing a probably (by your own words) town be better than a no lynch?

If it was not his doing then he'd be exposed as a liar.

There's always the chance I was wrong, but my thinking that radish is town is very different from everyone KNOWing that to be the case. Questions need answers.

Yoshiya said:

You were on and posting elsewhere not long ago. Why don't you chat with us?

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I freaking forgot it was night talk enabled last night. I see Linkz switch vote and go for Radishhead, think "what a scummy dick" and leave thinking I'm going to have to wait til the next day.

Can I just say to begin with how much I dislike Linkz's last minute vote changes. Players were going off Radish, everyone that was online was voting Yoshiya and it was the action I presumed was going to go through, then Linkz takes the game into his own hands and switches his vote to a player I thought was strong town as I said half an hour earlier. Linkz switches his vote a lot, town and scum so it's not a tell unfortunately, but damn does it irritate me. I don't really care what his reasons he gave were, as (as I said at the start of the day) Linkz is a smooth talking easy lying pro-manipulator. I mean that with respect as well btw.
For me, it seems he switched the vote from a scummy player to a townie player with full intention knowing he could quite easily bull his way through it that night before actions took place.
If I was a town vig I know who I would be targeting.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Prof, or truck, are you going to replace MTZehvor, and Seth? I reckon this point is highly important.

zero129 said:
DarkThanatos said:
radishhead said:

I didn't actually realise how hard Yoshiya was tunnelling my case until I started analysing these posts - and I thought he was probably Mafia before this point.

*Instigate Elvis Voice*

"Welcome to my worlddddddd" 

That's how Yoshiya plays, he finds a player (preferably one he knows irl apparently) and tunnels them :P 

Serious note- that post was probably the most usful one I've ever seen Radish post. 

Between Yoshiya and Radish for me.

Let me take a guess here.

With the way you have been explaining things for yoshi ill take it you would be more willing to vote for radish right??.

Would i be right in thinking you and Yoshi could be scum buddies??.

No. I should point out that I made a regard moment in that post. I said Yoshiya and radish when I meant Yoshiya and zero. I had literally been talking about how radish was townie, and how it was the most usful radish post I'd seen. It makes absolutely no sense for me to say Yoshiya and radish and I'm surprised no-one had picked me up on that fact. 

Mid rather lunch Yoshiya then radish who I thought was strong town and seeing how Linkz switched his vote I'm now quite positive is town. 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

*retarded moment.
This is what happens when you play at 1AM.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

RolStoppable said:
I'll go out on a limb and say that everyone who posted at Night is likely town, because scum is afraid of linkz.

On the contrary, id go out on a logic and say that sim want to try and dictate or lead town direction and so would make a conceited effort to make posts like that. Hang on, did you not make a post telling town protecting abilities where to go? 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War