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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

spurgeonryan said:
I leave for OZ in 22 minutes Radish. I expect one by then.

Radish? How do you feel that even after the hard work that you put into that yoshia read that Marionwas dismissed and yoshia was not lynched? In fact! Linkz totally ignored everything you post.

Well, I'm sorry but you're an active poster and so it won't be done for at least an hour. Unless you're afraid that I'll do a good job on it and want me to rush the analysis?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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Bong Lover said:
RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:

Didn't you say yesterday that Radish is not confirmed town? Why is he confirmed town now? Is a 1xbulletproof role impossible for mafia? I understand why a plain bulletproof role is impossible for mafia, but not the 1 shot variety Radish claimed.


When I said yesterday that radish isn't confirmed town, I was assuming that he was saved by a governor/mayor.

radish's role is 1-shot lynchproof. It should be a town role, because it would be a troll move from the host to give such a role to scum. It would punish town for a correct decision which would be especially damning in a lynch or lose scenario.

I see, thanks for the explanation, I didn't think about lynch or lose where this power would break the game.

First, lynchproof and bulletproof are different things. 

Second, mafia bulletproof is not impossible.

Third, forget lynch or lose, it's terrible in any situation. Now I'm supposed to believe that in a game based on town lynching mafia in order to win, you didn't think how unfair it is to deide to lynch mafia but be denied of the kill?

Bong Lover said:
spurgeonryan said:
Rols explanation feels sound. Final fan or trucks are usually the ones to confirm those type of things. You gotta know the roles well.

But that leads us back to linkz. Did he do it because he hates no lynches? Does he actually think that anyone other than Rol would remember such a thing? Why did he lie all game to us about radish and then vote him at the end?
With linkz it is never as simple as rol put it. Or protected him about.

Linkz did say early on that a quick no lynch/policy lynch is what scum wants.


Where did I lie about radish at all?


What's the relevance?

Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:

Didn't you say yesterday that Radish is not confirmed town? Why is he confirmed town now? Is a 1xbulletproof role impossible for mafia? I understand why a plain bulletproof role is impossible for mafia, but not the 1 shot variety Radish claimed.


When I said yesterday that radish isn't confirmed town, I was assuming that he was saved by a governor/mayor.

radish's role is 1-shot lynchproof. It should be a town role, because it would be a troll move from the host to give such a role to scum. It would punish town for a correct decision which would be especially damning in a lynch or lose scenario.

I see, thanks for the explanation, I didn't think about lynch or lose where this power would break the game.

First, lynchproof and bulletproof are different things. 

Second, mafia bulletproof is not impossible.

Third, forget lynch or lose, it's terrible in any situation. Now I'm supposed to believe that in a game based on town lynching mafia in order to win, you didn't think how unfair it is to deide to lynch mafia but be denied of the kill?

Did Radish claim lynch proof?

I already have scum pings on DT and Radish. But it is early. But I always like to think of first impressions. Usually means something. Like last game when Mario post at a different time.

Biggest ping is on Radish.

Checking in. I sense that Bong is the type of person to research before he dos something. He is smart, so do not let that fool you. Still I doubt that would mean anything.

Anyone want to give SethN a link to the wiki?

Also, FF was busier than usual last game!

First post into the round, and already claiming to have "scum pings" on DT and I. He admits that it's early (no kidding), but he then reinforces it by stating that it "usually means something" - implying that this isn't completely a joke suspicion like it may seem at first.

Well if you follow my guidelines you are on the right track Bongy!

First impressions on day one are not always right. But if they continue to act funny or if I am murdered tonight, then I would look back at this impressions. Last game I was instantly right on my first impression of Mario and trucks. I just did not think mdj capable of such scummjness. So I over looked him.

This post suggests to me that Spurge means well with his rash "scum pings" in his first post, because he genuinely believes that he has some sort of skill for finding mafia at the very start of the round. This would encourage him to push for his early suspects throughout the game if he believes that he's been proven right in previous rounds.

If a lot happenes day one it is usually all wrong. Sometimes you cannot a read off any of it because everything gets so messed up. Happyd's first game. Town won, but it was not easy. Last game. And pretty much any 1-2000 day one post game.

Plus can you even lynch all lurkers day one? It is day one.

Still I am against no lynched day one. One more day that potential scum escape. Plus, despite what I just said we usually do learn stuff from a day one lynch. Good or bad.

As I told bong. We will see.

Lynching lurkers will be hard this game with so many noons trying to figure it out.

Not the strongest opinion against day 1 no lynches that we have in this round, but he's still putting his stance forward quite early.

Stefl or Mario is scum confirmed?

Mario also post during the day again. Going way out of the way to not change up play from last game.

Posting stuff just to not look suspicious.

The first (and only?) player to instantly assume (or suggest) that either stefl or Mario is mafia from the double "claim" of miller. Very keen to put some suspicion on Mario at this point of the game

Mario is posting lime he used to back when I first started playing. Town confirmed? Unless he is Miller.

Next post after the previous - Spurge suddenly says that if Mario isn't miller, then he's "confirmed?" town simply because he's posting like he used to? Very vague terms, and a very bold statement considering.

Zero! 5 initial thoughts you have about this first day of play so far!

This post, along with various others during this point of the game, are direct questions to other players, getting them to participate and lead into further discussion. This seems like a fairly pro-town thing to do, but it's worth mentioning that he doesn't express any of his own opinions through this method, rather he only asks for those of other people

We have been burned plenty recently by quiet newbz who are lurking. Just so you new guys know.

Again, just encouraging the new players to post - nothing wrong with that, but if there's a new player on his mafia team...

Lets do a mock vote. If you had to vote, right now. And no lynch was not an options. Would you vote FF? After al, he only became active after we berated him with posts commenting on his lurking.

This post really encourages voting for anything but a no lynch, since once you're getting players to think about their options if no lynch wasn't an option, they're more likely to do it themselves. Following this with his suspicion of FinalFan is a good way to subtly influence the voting tables against FF.

Happy dolphin. These facts that you seem to know. Linkz is scum with Seth, da bong is town. Where are you getting these 100 percent reads?

You are "laughable " if you are town. But these type of thigns do not happen often. Besides last game when Prof was trying to prove a retarded point and gave the game away.

You are scum.

Spurge is fairly hypocritical here, because he's had plenty of similarly assertive opinions both before and after this post. "You are scum" at the end of this very post is one of these!

Lynch all new lurkers?

So now you'd rather lynch the new players rather than encouraging them to post more? Anything to escape a no lynch, right?

So... yoshia votes out of the blue for me and this is normal? No reason? Oooh! Let me read on!

There was definitely a reason for Yoshiya and Rol voting for Spurge prior to this post, so this one comes across as intimidating and a little desperate.

You guys who are actually town have got to be the dumbest MF's on the planet. So full of yourselves in real life, in this game, and on the site. But in actuality you are garbage players.

I was being sarcastic and wanted to see who would actually vote for FF. What do you mean skipping over? I went back to Final Fans post. What did I miss? He said he was a JOAT from what it looks like and he added Miller in the mix? Did he not? Am I blind? If the MF'er did, then he is saying he is miller as well as stefl. Fucking Mario hinted at it. The fuck is the problem? Like Prof last game, I fail to believe you guys are this stupid. I was defending you FF! The hell is your problem. I Rol is off his rocker this game or he is scum.

Stefl, happyd, Rol, and someone else I would like to keep private are on my radar. I /hunk it is obvious so I mentioned them. Not feeling Nen to be honest, since others are on him. Linkz is no giving me any scum vibes as well.

Basically insults over half the players in the round, while placing about a third of the players on his to-watch list. No wonder he can claim that he called the mafia out early if he literally becomes suspicious of everybody. He goes on to say that people "throwing around votes" is reason enough for them to be mafia, whereas he's done much of the same (perhaps not with votes, but definitely with boldly stating that people are mafia)

He continues to act frustrated and it seems genuine. Rol unvotes, and I'm feeling he's town at this point

It was around halfway through page 10 that I realised that Spurge is almost definitely town. I was going through his posts looking for areas of non-contribution or suspcicious activity, but there was very little at this point. I will do further analysis of Spurge's later-game play where I believe such events as continuing to vote me going into Night 1 among others put him a little higher on the suspicion list. As of now however, I'm thinking Spurge is simply a frustrated town-aligned player who's doign his best to be useful to town.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
spurgeonryan said:
Rols explanation feels sound. Final fan or trucks are usually the ones to confirm those type of things. You gotta know the roles well.

But that leads us back to linkz. Did he do it because he hates no lynches? Does he actually think that anyone other than Rol would remember such a thing? Why did he lie all game to us about radish and then vote him at the end?
With linkz it is never as simple as rol put it. Or protected him about.

Linkz did say early on that a quick no lynch/policy lynch is what scum wants.


Where did I lie about radish at all?


What's the relevance?

It's in reference to Spurge saying that no one else remembers that you hate no lynches. I was showing that you already made that point in your first(?) post in the thread.

spurgeonryan said:
So then he is saying rol early in was playing like scum?

Also why the tricks? Hy wait to the last minute? He could have voted, then if anyone unvoted we would have an even bigger suspect. Now we have to wonder what the hell linkz problem is and still know nothing.

I explained that to you already.

Bong Lover said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:

Didn't you say yesterday that Radish is not confirmed town? Why is he confirmed town now? Is a 1xbulletproof role impossible for mafia? I understand why a plain bulletproof role is impossible for mafia, but not the 1 shot variety Radish claimed.


When I said yesterday that radish isn't confirmed town, I was assuming that he was saved by a governor/mayor.

radish's role is 1-shot lynchproof. It should be a town role, because it would be a troll move from the host to give such a role to scum. It would punish town for a correct decision which would be especially damning in a lynch or lose scenario.

I see, thanks for the explanation, I didn't think about lynch or lose where this power would break the game.

First, lynchproof and bulletproof are different things. 

Second, mafia bulletproof is not impossible.

Third, forget lynch or lose, it's terrible in any situation. Now I'm supposed to believe that in a game based on town lynching mafia in order to win, you didn't think how unfair it is to deide to lynch mafia but be denied of the kill?

Did Radish claim lynch proof?

He claimed 1x Unlynchable, which is the same as lynchproof.

And to your other quote. Oh. Yeah well I would hope people are paying attention, but in regards to whether I think anyone would remember such a thing it makes no difference. It's not like I switched my vote thinking "everyone will remember the things I said about not wanting a no lynch."

Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:

Didn't you say yesterday that Radish is not confirmed town? Why is he confirmed town now? Is a 1xbulletproof role impossible for mafia? I understand why a plain bulletproof role is impossible for mafia, but not the 1 shot variety Radish claimed.


When I said yesterday that radish isn't confirmed town, I was assuming that he was saved by a governor/mayor.

radish's role is 1-shot lynchproof. It should be a town role, because it would be a troll move from the host to give such a role to scum. It would punish town for a correct decision which would be especially damning in a lynch or lose scenario.

I see, thanks for the explanation, I didn't think about lynch or lose where this power would break the game.

First, lynchproof and bulletproof are different things. 

Second, mafia bulletproof is not impossible.

Third, forget lynch or lose, it's terrible in any situation. Now I'm supposed to believe that in a game based on town lynching mafia in order to win, you didn't think how unfair it is to deide to lynch mafia but be denied of the kill?

Did Radish claim lynch proof?

He claimed 1x Unlynchable, which is the same as lynchproof.

And to your other quote. Oh. Yeah well I would hope people are paying attention, but in regards to whether I think anyone would remember such a thing it makes no difference. It's not like I switched my vote thinking "everyone will remember the things I said about not wanting a no lynch."

So perhaps I was confused about the roles. How do you view Rol's reasoning that Radish is likely town based on his role?

Bong Lover said:

So perhaps I was confused about the roles. How do you view Rol's reasoning that Radish is likely town based on his role?

Perhaps? How'd you go from 1xUnlynchable to 1x Bulletproof anyway?

It's very uncommon to begin with, and I'm of the firm belief that scum should never have any way to prevent a lynch. That said, prof allowing Night talk is already unorthodox so it's only a 99.9% kind of thing. And for the other 0.1%, if radish IS scum then he'd better have an extreme weakness like being linked(As in Lovers or Siblings) so that he could/can die by means other than the lynch.