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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

unvote: radishhead

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Oh, and incidentally a further points i've seen people say
Rol- Zero appears just after Linkz mentions him from his lurkiness
Nen- Zero's has "habit as scum" "lurk as stay as calm as possible.
Specially Zero who's aggresive, rude and flat out crazy sometimes when town"

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

RolStoppable said:
Bong Lover said:
Someone said helpful to town Radish is scum and the other way around. Does that also apply to under the hammer Radish?

I found his case against Yoshida strong and by far the most solid case presented against anyone so far. Feeling a bit lost right now

No, it doesn't really apply to under the hammer radish.

His analysis of mario's posts was questionable and grasping at straws, but it already showed that he was willing to try. Scum radish would have probably called it a day, but town radish would try to prove himself (especially to me) by going through a 1,000 post thread twice.

This. One could argue that radish is being fed cases through a QT, but I don't know if anyone would be that dedicated other than me and I have an alibi!

DarkThanatos said:
Oh, and incidentally a further points i've seen people say
Rol- Zero appears just after Linkz mentions him from his lurkiness
Nen- Zero's has "habit as scum" "lurk as stay as calm as possible.
Specially Zero who's aggresive, rude and flat out crazy sometimes when town"

The timing is odd, but zero's not being lynched.

And nen's memory has now twice been proven not to be trusted.

DarkThanatos said:

I'm impressed with many of the newbs. 

I'm curious who you meant by this.

Also, can you elaborate on why you voted me. Surely the one reason given wasn't all you were thinking of.

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Final-Fan said:
I would support lynches of astro or radish

This is after he votes Nacho. 

FF- explain?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

I only have 15 minutes before I have to leave, so for now I will

vote yoshiya

RolStoppable said:
Nachomamma8 said:

I posted twice, but look at the posts I've made. Now, I've posted many times, still the same amount of content.

No point in fighting over semantics. If you didn't get my point in the previous post, I can hold nothing of real substance against you, just like the people who've been voting for linkz.

Unvote: nacho

Vote: radish

I think things are going to inevitably swing back into radish's direction because of his mistakes, so let's speed up the whole process. He should roleclaim soon. If that somehow makes him believable town, then we'll still have enough time to do something else.

This is terrible reasoning. You are voting from one highly lynchable player to another highly lynchable player. You're hungrier then a scum me on pot. 

I'm honestly not getting the greatest town impression of you this game Rol...

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Let's see now...

Vote: Yoshiya



TruckOSaurus said:

simple unofficial VOTALS

Player L-10 L-9 L-8 L-7 L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynched
 Linkzmax  nen-suer  benao87

 Radishhead  hatmoza  Yoshiya  happydolphin  spurgeonryan

Nachomamma8  supermario128  zero129  Final-Fan
spurgeonryan  Nachomamma8                    
Yoshiya  radishhead  AstroGamer  Bong Lover  RolStoppable  Linkzmax            
  T-6 T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 Timelimit
 TimeLimit  RolStoppable








Linkzmax said:
radishhead said:

Do you know if DT is busy these last few hours before the deadline or if he'll be free?

Oh hey :) Well- i was in the middle of a very demanding youtube session, but I've come on at my usual time, midnightish, and as far as i can think of i don't have any planned booty calls 

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War