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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

I accept your mission, and I will prove my worth to town, as well as my general townieness by compiling the best argument ever.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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spurgeonryan said:
So...someone actually said they were voting radish because of his suspicious flip flopping, yet hey say nothing to Rols suspicious flip flopping all game..........

I see the two very different. Rol has been all over the place, but I see that as a result of his admited desire to get everyone to play more than any real suspcion. I don't think he has any firm reads on anything yet really, going by what he has said earlier.

Radishhead contradicted directly contradicted himself within the space of a couple of hours. I admit it's not much, but I am fine with putting the screws on him for that. If the preasure indeed brings forth a compelling argument from him to lynch someone else I'll be more than happy to reconsider.

I was protecting Seth by trying to link him and Linkz as scumbuddies? I even suggested that linkz and him might have linked roles.

In any case, I was under the impression that Seth is of limits (along with myself) on day one almost regardless. While I still don't like his play, I don't think he has done nearly enough to be a guaranteed lynch candidate now.

Why Mario should be lynched Day 1:

supermario128 said:
PM recieved/ checking in. Now I have to go to work...
- Nothing too suspicious here...until a couple of posts later:
nen-suer said:

The game just started and you're already making excuses for lurking :P

- What's with the ":P" face? Maybe it's just me, but it always makes me feel uncomfortable. No worries though, maybe it was just a 1-off...
Supermario128 said:
Na bro. I was just letting town know I wouldn't be posting so that I don't look suspicious by simply "checking in" and then darting away.
I can usually tell when you are scum, but you did mess me up that one game.
You said I was town very early on in that game and I trusted you because of it, for some reason..
Now, you go after me very early this game. Even if it is jokingly.
Could be a change of strategy, or I could be over thinking this.
Either way, FoS Nen.

- Bro!? ":P"!? Not only this, but the weak FoS further supports some connection between the two players here.
RolStoppable said:

Vote: FF
I would be willing to get behind this vote. I would prefer it to a no lynch, anyway.
We need to teach that brony a lesson.

- Starts with a serious point about why he could "get behind this vote" - but only because it's better than a no lynch? Effectively ensuring that we all know from the start that he's not going to accept today to end without some damage to the town, perhaps? Distances himself from his "no lynch" statement by making a jokey comment about teaching the brony a lesson.
hatmoza said:

confirmed town. Scum would be hesitant to reveal PM info like this, even if the transmission style PMs are universal to all alignments.
I see what you are getting at, but if the PM's are all the same your point is null. Even if they are not the same, most mods give scum the town PM wording.
He could have said that to GET townie points, or he could have been genuine.
While I am leaning town, there is no way he is "confirmed".

- I actually agree with Mario here, and I'm a little suspicious of anyone who thought the jokey reference to the PM wording was a sign of town is suspicious in my eyes.
hatmoza said:
Also are you confused between this thread and the Quick topic thread prof sent you in the PM?
You sly dog. :P

- Effectively ruining hatmoza's trap here - presumably there's a new player or two on Mario's scumteam that could blow their cover otherwise. Why else would you mention this post?
[Fake miller claim]
- Could be considered town, but it wasn't a particularly deep claim - it basically comes down to "What if I said I was miller?", "You'd be lying", "Haha yeah, just wanted you to know that I'm watching you"
sethnintendo said:

SuperMario seems like scum to me but I think I'm getting a misread on him.
Be more confident with your opinions. To say something like this is very suspicious.

- Unusual confrontation with another player here -gives off a tutoring kind of vibe, since he's not voting or even HoSing here. Maybe he's just paranoid that someone's thinking he's mafia? Could go either way
- [Nen gives Mario "town points" here - might be worth considering]
- [Linkz considers Mario town]
Supermario128 said: I fully trust Nen's claim unless someone else comes forward and says they are the watcher
- One of the only players who didn't consider the possibility of Mafia watcher. The watcher and the cop are very different roles (he referred to the failure to believe the cop claim last round)
Right. I don't think Radish is scum and would rather lynch Linkz today if we have no other option.
- Makes me think he's town a little more - except I'm not confident that Linkz is mafia. Notice how he's not accepting no lynch as an option
"I guess I won't complain, keep those Nacho votes coming."
- Seriously? I guess he gave up trying to hide his wish to get Nacho lynched.
- [Nacho considers Mario mafia]

- General Points: Mario is definitely one of the more active players in this round post-wise, but has only contributed an average amount towards investigation, rather a considerable number of his posts involve arguments with various members such as Nen and Seth. He's used the "doesn't prove anything about my alignment" excuse twice by this point in the game (when responding to those claiming he's playing the same as previous games etc.) which comes across as a bit defensive. Overall, I wouldn't suggest that lynching Mario is a better option than a no lynch on day 1, but he's definitely a player to consider over me especially, or if not, at least one to look at over the coming days.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

spurgeonryan said:
Oh. Then I missunderstood. Yeah, Seth is not scum. I hope I finally can read linkz a little. I do not think he is either. I will see if I am right at his eventual flip.

This is day one. Depending on how things turn out I have two alternate lists of who is scum. Right now it is hard to really tell.

Why so sure?

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That's not my first point, but I'm interested why you're sure that Mario is town?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

when is the time limit? I think I remember 6PM EST, so in 57 minutes?

Bong Lover said:
when is the time limit? I think I remember 6PM EST, so in 57 minutes?

Day ends on Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. EST/Thursday 3:00 a.m. CET.

So in 3 hours 54 minutes.

Signature goes here!

Lying about what time it is? Only scum lies.

RolStoppable said:
TruckOSaurus said:
Bong Lover said:
when is the time limit? I think I remember 6PM EST, so in 57 minutes?

Day ends on Wednesday at 9:00 p.m. EST/Thursday 3:00 a.m. CET.

So in 3 hours 54 minutes.

Are you sure? EST and CET are usually six hours apart. Did America switch to Daylight Saving Time already?

3:00 a.m. CET is almost five hours away.

Yeah we switched last weekend so it's 9pm EDT not EST so I'm guessing 2am CET.

Signature goes here!