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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 54 - METROID

Rol, do you think I'm town?

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Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
Linkzmax said:
Bong Lover said:
Well, recent events leaves me no other option than to

unvote nen-suer

Why now? Did you simply forget that you had your vote on nen after his claim?

I didn't forget, I simply took my time as I did when I voted for him as well. It took me some time to figure out the significance of role claiming also, and when I did you took that as another scum tell on me.

To your point of suspicion about me, why is it so inconcievable that I would come up with that theory on my own? In any case, if that is too advanced for me to understand on my own, does that mean you think I've been coached by scum to present that theory? How would that be a benefit for scum exactly?

To address your concern: Over the course of day one I have realized that being new at this game is a great disadvantage and that the experienced players know this and cut noobs like myself some slack. At least for the first few days it seems like you can get away with claiming ignorance, thus it would be a benefit for scum to advise their new players (I am assuming there is at least one new scum player for the sake of balance btw) to appear like they don't know everything that goes on. Note that I never said I think that Sethnintendo is being coached by scum, I just commented that he several times went out of his way to point out how little he understands of what's going on and that it could be possible that scum has told him to play up to his status as new that way.

1. You mentioned the "very real chance [you] were wrong [about nen being scum]" and "serious doubt [about your strong scum read of nen]". Regardless of my take on your role claiming question, if you are so hesitant to vote because of the risk of being wrong, what harm is there in quickly unvoting for someone you are highly considering isn't actually scum. Again, what "recent events" forced you to unvote now?

2.Yes, I think it is quite unlikely that at that point in time you'd have come up with such a theory. I don't think you were coached by scum to present said theory, but I think there was coaching that mentioned to/not to play up the newb card. I think you took the idea of playing the newb card and then pushed it against Seth.

3.You are going to have to show me where you think vets give newbs slack, because at the point you presented your theory I don't find any evidence of it. Your note is contradicting itself, plus you did:
"now that I've slept on it and thought about it a little more it's entirely possible that he's been coached by scum to say what he says? I don't remeber how long after the original question that he replied but I have a feeling there would be plenty of time for scum to interfere and give him an acceptable reply."

1. At the time I made these two posts I already knew I would have to unvote nen. And I did. Just a little later. The recent events I refered to was nen's roleclaim.

2. I am not an idiot, I am perfectly capable of the level of reasoning to come up with the possibility of something like that being coached by scum. To be quite honest I would hope that most people in the game is capable of the same level of thinking. After all, it's not really that difficult to put that theory together and I am a little surprised that you continue to push that point. I mean, I understand the concept of applying presure and looking for cracks, but I am having a hard time believing that a simple deduction like that is so unheard of in mafia games that it warrents this kind of scrutiny. It's starting to feel like you're keeping something going just to muddle the waters.

3. I don't think I ever have said anything about that in this thread until just that post, it is however a strong feeling I have and had back then as well. It's been pretty much confirmed since also.

Nachomamma8 said:
benao87 said:

After a refreshing morning, and a look at the very handy vote summary from truck, I see how close we were from lynching nen, he was at L-3

Over the weekend I felt that linkz was trying too hard to state why it would be right to accuse nen, I don't feel that very townie.

Vote: Linkz

So you think that town is lazy and scum is tryhard?

Not at all. Both town and scum can be lazy. It's just that what I felt over the weekend with all the nen lynching.

2. This is tied to 3, WHY would you think scum might coach someone to play up the newb card? I am not asking where you say you think newbs are given an easier time. I am asking where anyone has indicated that to be the case. Of course it's been shown AFTER your theory, but before that point? Because I see a post like where spurge says quiet newbs are harmful, and I would think the theory would then be that scum would coach a newb not to lurk. There's one thing in the favor of your position but it destroys the theory altogether.

raddishead said:
Yeah, I wanted the attention, so scum would think they could lynch me.

I scanned zero guilty.

Were you serious with this roleclaim?

Or is it a fakeclaim?

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

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Bong Lover said:

2. I am not an idiot, I am perfectly capable of the level of reasoning to come up with the possibility of something like that being coached by scum. To be quite honest I would hope that most people in the game is capable of the same level of thinking. After all, it's not really that difficult to put that theory together and I am a little surprised that you continue to push that point. I mean, I understand the concept of applying presure and looking for cracks, but I am having a hard time believing that a simple deduction like that is so unheard of in mafia games that it warrents this kind of scrutiny. It's starting to feel like you're keeping something going just to muddle the waters.

That comment. I now like you xD

 You'd be surprised.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Yoshiya said:
DarkThanatos said:
AstroGamer said:

Something about Linkz is rubbing me the wrong way so

Vote: Linkz

I had a semi- scum read on you- til you posted this. Perhaps there are two smaller scum teams this game? Two teams of 3 wouldn't be too unbalanced depending on what roles people have. Might be something to consider

Are you implying that Astro and Linkz are on different scum teams here?

happydolphin said:
hatmoza said:

I don't remember ever successfully lynching a scum Radish. He seems to always roll town. I find myself asking, however, are we really going to lose anything if we mislynch Radish?

Though for once, I'm actually feeling good about his lynch.  Plus, I'm also very bored of day 1.

Unvote DT

Vote Radish

We would lose because if he's truly scum then he gives us breadcrums. Best keep him alive and get the others

So you're saying we should leave someone that is scum alive because he isn't a threat? Last time town did that mafia went in to have a flawless victory. I was starting to seriously consider the possibility that you and Linkz were town fighting it out but after this post I'm not so sure anymore >.>

radishhead said:
I wouldn't say I get "paranoid" - all I'm saying is that the Mafia tend to put anti-Radish sentiments into the minds of the town to get me lynched

This has to be one of the most oxymoronic statements I've read in a while haha. Unfortunately for Radish however, knowing him in real life means that I know he starts to act this way when he is uncomfortable (contradicting his own statements, acting forgetful etc.) so from where I am standing it seems like he had something to hide right from the moment he started to contradict himself. As such;

Unvote: DT (This vote is void now anyway considering the reasoning behind it)

Vote: Radishhead

@bolded. Don't use irl knowledge in game. People are different people online, and even then different in game in mafia. Despite the validity of the "acting forgetful" statement :P - its better to look at his play in game history- and Radish is usually like this in game anyway

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

DT, why did you quote me and edit the box instead of quoting the original?

Linkzmax said:
DT, why did you quote me and edit the box instead of quoting the original?

Originally i was going to ask a question to you as well in that box, but then deleted it before sending.

So hyped for Rome 2: Total War

Oh, I guess you're catching up. Carry on.