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Forums - Movies & TV - New Tomb Raider film coming from Departed Studio

New Tomb Raider film coming from The Departed studio

March 5, 2013 5:47AM PST
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Crystal Dynamics working with GK Films on new Lara Croft film that will not be continuation of Angelina Jolie movies.

A new Tomb Raider film is on the way from GK Films, the company that produced Academy Award Best Picture winners The Departed and Argo.Variety reports that Crystal Dynamics is working "closely" with GK Films instead of merely licensing off the rights.


“They are working from this new take that we’ve given them,” Crystal Dynamics studio head Darrell Gallagher said of GK Films. “It’s a good partnership. We’re seeing the challenges through the same lens.”

Gallagher explained that the upcoming Tomb Raider film will not be a continuation of 2001's original Lara Croft: Tomb Raider or 2003 follow-up Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, both of which starred Angelina Jolie.

“It was important for both of us to have a cohesive version of the franchise,” Gallagher said.

It was not mentioned if Jolie will reprise her role as the lethal archaeologist Croft for the upcoming film or if the studio will bring in someone new.Californication actress Camilla Luddington provided the voice work and motion capture for Croft in the latest game.

Tomb Raider released today for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. For more, check out GameSpot's review.


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Well given the best Resident Evil Movies are the animated ones made in collaboration with Capcom I have to say I think game studio/movie studio collaborations are likely to be the best chance of producing a movie that is regarded as good by the movie mainstream.

And while we're at it, great news that Blizzard vetoed the WoW movie.

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She doesn't look like Lara Croft.

She doesn't look like Lara Croft.

Now she looks like Lara Croft. We found our actress!