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Forums - General Discussion - Worlds first Marijuana ATM opening 24/7 in Los Angeles on Monday (HOLLA!)

I didn't read all the posts in this topic but I already saw some really stupid comments (oh and BTW there is one in Holland already this isn't the first one). Like you all know in the Netherlands it's legal to buy marijuana, and I already saw somebody commenting about how it's supposed to be a gateway drugs. It isn't in the Netherlands we have the least (percentage wise, at least in Europe) users of hard drugs and that's for a reason. oh and I have to go now but I will be back :P

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PooperScooper said:
Marijuana shouldnt be illegeal, and if it was legal you know a lot more adults would give it a try and a lot less teens would do it just because they want to "rebel"

- worst argument ive ever heard. and believe me i've heard alot.

Yes weed is a gateway drug. My 2 friends blame weed for doing heroin. They wanted to get another feeling because weed didnt give them the same effects. my ex girlfriend also blames her coke addiction on weed. my friend who went to jail for selling blames weed on his other drug habits(vicodin, coke, the add pill... not ridlin) and i could go on and on.

Alcohol's chemical make-up is similar to that of Heroin so in a sense if a recovering heroin decided to drink alcohol he has a greater chance to use heroin again, but not always.  Weed or anything in the world for that matter does not make people do drugs. It's a shame someone would want to blame a plant (or anything for that matter like a friend, parents, or some outside force) for their addiction instead of accepting responsiblity for their actions.



@PooperScooper - That's quite a crazy group of people you hang out with. I somehow doubt they were all just nice friendly people until a green leaf entered their life.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

dtewi said:
My god. Someone lock this hideous abomination of a thread. People my god! You are encouraging the use of something that kills you! Also this website isn't open to just adults, there may be little kids on this site too! And they're reading this thread thinking pot is okay! Someone just lock this for crimes against common sense.


stof said:
First off, I think a lot of people didn't read the article. It's not a vending machine in the middle of the street, it's in a building with security, and you need to take in your perscription and I.D. and get fingerprinted before using your credit card to pay for it. I'm actually not even sure why it's in a vending machine, as it pretty much just seems like a limited pharmacy at this point.

Anyways, I think Marijuana is a fantastic drug and I greatly prefer it to alcohol. It's less addictive, You can't OD on it and have you ever heard of someone going on a high rage?

If you don't condone marijuana, that's fine by me. If you're opposed to weed but drink alcohol... Well that's kind of hypocritical don't you think? The U.S. in particular has this strange hatred of Marijuana, not even wanting it used for medicinal purposes, which is outright silly.

I agree with this.  The only reason I drink alcohol instead is because pot is illegal, and I don't want to end up with a criminal record.  Well, also because alcohol is available in so many different yummy forms, and drinking for me is more about enjoying the taste than getting drunk.

@dtewi: The very best thing you can do for kids is to tell them the truth.  If you lie to them or feed them BS to scare them, they'll eventually figure it out and lose their trust in you.  If you respect your kids and are honest with them, they will respect your advice.  If you lie to them, they will do whatever they want regardless of your advice. 

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SleepWaking said:
I didn't read all the posts in this topic but I already saw some really stupid comments (oh and BTW there is one in Holland already this isn't the first one). Like you all know in the Netherlands it's legal to buy marijuana, and I already saw somebody commenting about how it's supposed to be a gateway drugs. It isn't in the Netherlands we have the least (percentage wise, at least in Europe) users of hard drugs and that's for a reason. oh and I have to go now but I will be back :P
Yeah, I pointed that out earlier. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

Rath said:
Metallicube said:
Rath said:
The main reason I will never smoke dope is due to the semi-proven effects on mental health later on. The fairly solid links to schizophrenia are by far the most scary thing to me, also heard the other day on the news that its supposedly meant to be 5* worse for your lungs than cigs because of how stoners breathe far deeper and hold their breath for longer, although that statistic seems a little bit dodgy to me as dope quite simply doesn't have most of the toxins that cigs do.

bs. Nicotine kills people. There has not been ONE case of sombody dying from an overdoes of maijuana.

 Nor has there ever been a case of overdose of nicotine as far as I know. I'm not talking about ODing, I'm talking about long term psychological effects. There is a massive difference.

"The social aspect of it is really big, it helps some people relax, etc, etc. It's not a thrill seeking "drug"; it's not even classified as a drug. (It isn't, it's a plant.) "

A drug is anything that alters bodily function, natural or not. Marijuana is actually a fairly potent drug, that doesn't make it bad in particular its just a fact that it is a form of drug though. 

What I mean is that smoking can lead to lung cancer, whereas marijuana has basically no physical long term effects. 

dtewi said:
My god. Someone lock this hideous abomination of a thread. People my god! You are encouraging the use of something that kills you! Also this website isn't open to just adults, there may be little kids on this site too! And they're reading this thread thinking pot is okay! Someone just lock this for crimes against common sense.

 That's just like, your opinion, ya know.

Played_Out said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
"Legalising recreational drugs has two major positive effects. It makes them cheap, which eliminates most of the social problems associated with drug addiction, and it makes them clean, which eliminates many of the health risks."

Like with cigarettes? ROFL sometimes you people kill me. Cigarettes are safer? Hahahahaha.

Your evidence of heroine in the U.K is ancedotal for numerous reasons that are probably not worth going into The main one being the lack of true independent research. While organized crime was very high in the 1920's do not forget about thee explosion of crime in the 60's 70's and early to mid 80's. It was not organized crime, but it was way worse than the crime rates of the 1920's. Especially the seventies. The 20's are glamorized by people looking to make money because there are true heroes and villians.

Have you not seen the number of addicts to opiate based drugs go ape-shit in the past few years? Most of them are taking legal drugs. Some drugs used to detox are just as addictive as the street drug they were detoxing from. There is no clear problem other than poor decision making.

I don't understand why you're bringing up cigarettes. Tobacco has never been illegal so there is absolutely no parallel. The point I was making is that most problems linked to drug addiction are caused by criminalisation. Forcing products into the black market inflates prices, which leads to people stealing to support their habit. An ounce of raw opium costs pence on the streets of Afghanistan, but processed into heroin will sells for hundreds of pounds on the streets of the UK. Being illegal also means that drugs get cut with other substances (which may or may not be harmful) and this makes it more difficult for drug users to judge an appropriate dose. It is actually rather difficult to unintentionally overdose on pure heroin if you know what you're doing.

And you're comment on rising crime in the '70s is the perfect illustration of my argument. The rise in crime was directly related to growth in the illegal drugs trade. It would never have happened if recreational drugs were not prohibited, because the trade would not be controlled by criminals.

The rise in addiction to prescription drugs is completely irrelevant because it does not have the myriad social problems associated with it that drugs like crack and heroin do. The reason is because the supply is cheap and clean. Sure, addiction is still a problem, but it is completely dwarfed by associated problems that come with criminalisation.

Here's a link to an article from The Guardian a few years back, which sums up my case:,,506559,00.html


And an article on the success of liberal drugs policy in Zurich, from The Independent:

I am going to respond to you and not to thee articles you posted alright.

I brought up cigaretts becuase you mentioned safer and it could be argued that they are no "safer" than if they were illegal. Nicotine is thee most addictive drug on the planet, afterall. And what the hell else is in cigaretts? You telling me that cocaine is as complicated, or cut, as nicotine is? That comes from major business taking control of the drug.

You are half correct in one point but assuming in another. Perscripition pills were big time in the sixties and seventies (they were just mixed in with thee illegal drugs that took the forefront) and seem to be the new trend now. If it creates an explosion even in similar proportion to what we have seen (although the social aspect of opium is not nearly that of other drugs), then you will have no legs to stand on. As a matter of fact, the perscription drug has phase came before and media was smashed by big companies to keep all related crime and deaths quiet. Or to blame another problem (i.e illegal drugs). Jimi Hendrix is a perfect example.

Ah, I see, because you said that in U.K. there was a much "Samller" addiction rate. Which I smashed because of lack of true independent research; among other reasons. You are trying to dodge what you initially say. Crime IS affected by those addicted to legal perscription medication. And since it is a rising occurance, you can say that it has not hit the prime yet. Maybe in ten years, it will have hit thee explosion point and be like cocaine in the late seventies and early eighties. Thus nulling your argument entirely. You can only use that argument because not enough time has passed yet for there to be a true conclusion drawn.

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I forgot about this thread.

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weezy said:
Kids...Please don't smoke marijuana. If you do? Please, wait till your atleast 21.

??? comon say then 18 then it is legal here in holland;)

but i started when i was 14

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