Tbone's Bets! Will I win or fail?
★Brendude13★TOTAL WW VITA HARDWARE UNITS SOLD 2013! ⇒Tbone51 ←under 7.5mil over → Brendude13
☆Soleron☆Pikmin 3 Will Get a Million sales within a Year on the market/////
☆Soleron☆Mario+Luigi4 will sell over a million by end of year(Iwin if it does)
◆Conegamer◆3DS 20mil+ by years end (2013). I win if true!
■DaveJ■ Pokemon X/Y to have 8Mil by Years End? He wins if it doesn't(2months of sig control)
If I win i get sig control for a month with an additional month for every million it gets (after 8mil)
▲Rolstoppable▲ Luigi's Mansion 2: 2mil by years end (i win if it does)