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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


Which LOZ Title are You Purchasing This Year?

Wind Waker HD 130 48.51%
A Link Between Worlds 34 12.69%
Both Games 54 20.15%
I'll Be Purchasing One or Both Next Year 7 2.61%
None for Me 12 4.48%
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

That`s odd, haven`t heard anything.

New 64GB version? :)

Oh that's because nothing of what I've told you is offical yet =) I don't even know if Nintendo will come out and say that there is some problems with the early Wii U's out there... But I wouldn't be too surprised if we started to hear that some Wii U's has stopped working...

Yup, a new 64GB HDD version ^^

Well, do share!
Anything else you want to add?

Haha I'm sharing right now! I don't know much more than that... except that we'll get another Nintendo game that looks even better than "X"... Don't know which game though... I'm guessing Retro :P

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

That`s odd, haven`t heard anything.

New 64GB version? :)

Oh that's because nothing of what I've told you is offical yet =) I don't even know if Nintendo will come out and say that there is some problems with the early Wii U's out there... But I wouldn't be too surprised if we started to hear that some Wii U's has stopped working...

Yup, a new 64GB HDD version ^^

Well, do share!
Anything else you want to add?

Haha I'm sharing right now! I don't know much more than that... except that we'll get another Nintendo game that looks even better than "X"... Don't know which game though... I'm guessing Retro :P

There were some rumors that Nintendo would something concerning bundles. It`s the first time i heard about the 64GB version. Well, it makes sense if they had GC games to the VC, too.

A game looking better than X? Yeah, most likely Retro.

DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:
DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

That`s odd, haven`t heard anything.

New 64GB version? :)

Oh that's because nothing of what I've told you is offical yet =) I don't even know if Nintendo will come out and say that there is some problems with the early Wii U's out there... But I wouldn't be too surprised if we started to hear that some Wii U's has stopped working...

Yup, a new 64GB HDD version ^^

Well, do share!
Anything else you want to add?

Haha I'm sharing right now! I don't know much more than that... except that we'll get another Nintendo game that looks even better than "X"... Don't know which game though... I'm guessing Retro :P

There were some rumors that Nintendo would something concerning bundles. It`s the first time i heard about the 64GB version. Well, it makes sense if they had GC games to the VC, too.

A game looking better than X? Yeah, most likely Retro.

I hope Nintendo doesn't something cool for e3 this year since they won't have an ordinary conference....

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
DélioPT said:

There were some rumors that Nintendo would something concerning bundles. It`s the first time i heard about the 64GB version. Well, it makes sense if they had GC games to the VC, too.

A game looking better than X? Yeah, most likely Retro.

I hope Nintendo doesn't something cool for e3 this year since they won't have an ordinary conference....

Don`t remind me of that...
I hope they have at least two NDs: one for 3DS and one for Wii U. Because if they decide to reveal little by little, it`s really no fun and creates no impact.

I wish they would gather Reggie, Iwata, Shibata and all 3 provide a different ND. That would be cool!

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I chose SMT4 because Dragon Quest 7 has no announcement for western release.  I'm more interested in Dragon Quest 7, just as long as the game is mostly the same(outside the non random battles) and it's not a huge disappointment like what I think is easily one of the worst in the series, Dragon Quest 9.

From the list and what's not on the list aside from Dragon Quest 7, SMT4 is above all others.

Bravely Default is doing well, i thought mario and luigi be in third!

and now pokemon is winning again.

I voted for SMTIV because Atlus is my favorite company and I love SMT games:)


I voted for Animal Crossing New Leaf.
