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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination: Anybody That Wants To Play Together Online(3DS) in Either MK7 or Kid Icarus...


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Nintendo To Deliver New Homes To Animal Crossing: New Leaf Via SpotPass

The Happy Homes Showcase just got happier

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is just a couple of months away from being released in the West and the anticipation is starting to reach fever pitch.

Back in February, Nintendo teased an exclusive feature that would be included in Western versions of the game. Nobody knew what it was but it appears to have been inadvertently made public in the latest Iwata Asks interview.

In the interview, which was actually conducted in October of last year, Aya Kyogoku from the software development department spoke about the new Happy Homes Showcase feature found in the new game:

    There's a housing display area called the HH Showcase where you can check out homes belonging to people you have encountered via the StreetPass feature, just as you would view a show home.

As with all Iwata Asks interviews, an editor helpfully gives additional information on things that are brought up. In this case an editorial note read:

    In the North American version of the game, model homes created by Nintendo will also appear in the HH Showcase. These homes will be distributed via SpotPass.

So in addition to the houses acquired through StreetPass, Nintendo will also drop off the odd house via SpotPass. We're hoping they'll throw in some Legend of Zelda themed houses, or maybe one dedicated to Pikmin with a beautiful garden outside.

The European translation of the interview also confirmed the new feature.

This edition of Iwata Asks delved into plenty of elements found in the game, including how the future of Mr Resetti's Reset Surveillance Centre will be in your hands.

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But not as interesting as my question lol.

Gen 2, nothing can beat Johto + Kanto.

for me is gen 1 followed by Emerald and Gold which i guess are 3rd and 2nd respectively?

Einsam_Delphin said:
Since I can't make new threads I guess I'll ask this here. Is there anyway to transer save data from one SD card to another? I recentyly got a 16GB card, and so I wanna put everything from my previous 2 SD cards on it. I copied 1 onto it, but now I'm at a loss as to how to get the second one on there too. It's not that big of a deal since all it had was MK7, though I just got done 100%ing the game, but eh, I'll be playing the game so much that I'll eventually 100% it again. Already got my favorite kart combination and that's the main thing. Online's gonna be kind of a joke for a while though since I'm back to 1000VR. I'll pretty much be slaughtering everyone. Should be funs. :D

Does this help?

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^Just the opposite actually. D:
I had already tried copying and overwriting the 3DS folder which did nothing, so I thought I messed up somehow but they're saying it can't be done period. Ahwells, like I said it's no big deal. Luckily I made the smart move and copied the SD card with Awakening on it over as I'd hate to have to start that over again.

Einsam_Delphin said:
^Just the opposite actually. D:
I had already tried copying and overwriting the 3DS folder which did nothing, so I thought I messed up somehow but they're saying it can't be done period. Ahwells, like I said it's no big deal. Luckily I made the smart move and copied the SD card with Awakening on it over as I'd hate to have to start that over again.

What I did is use the 2 USB ports to hook up 2 SD card readers (switch a SD card in each one) with 2 long USB extension cords and "select all" from the first SD card and choose copy, with the destination being the other SD Card.

Its easy when you got both SD cards plugged in at once in your computer.

You should delete all the stuff in the New SD card before doing this, if you only have like empty folders and/or whatever.

Kaizar said:

Cloudberry Kingdom might end up on the 3DS, says Team Lead:

Off-screen Coaster Crazy footage:

Miyamoto Tezuka comment on Nintendo game seminar 2K13:

off-screen footage of Zombie Panic in Wonderland 3D:

Club Nintendo of Euroasia is now handing out stars for all eShop downloads, WTF!:

off-screen footage of Cloudberry Kingdom:

Shovel Knight is already fully funded for all of its intended platforms:

off-screen footage of Vampire Crystals Rebirth 3D:

Photos of Nihon Mint White 3DS XL, and also the particular Pink 3DS & Blue 3DS that Taiwan started out with will now be available in Nihon also:

Super Little Acorn 3D Turbo comes out this Thursday and there's some off-screen footage:

Majesco is bringing Crash City to Native America this May:

Carps & Dragons and Cut the Rope are coming to the 3D eShop:

Tales of Symphonia on GameCube is the series most successful game in the West, I blame the Wii for it's backwards capability, LOL:

Q.U.B.E. Shown running on Wii U:

sethnintendo said:

Nintendo To Deliver New Homes To Animal Crossing: New Leaf Via SpotPass

The Happy Homes Showcase just got happier

Animal Crossing: New Leaf is just a couple of months away from being released in the West and the anticipation is starting to reach fever pitch.

Back in February, Nintendo teased an exclusive feature that would be included in Western versions of the game. Nobody knew what it was but it appears to have been inadvertently made public in the latest Iwata Asks interview.

In the interview, which was actually conducted in October of last year, Aya Kyogoku from the software development department spoke about the new Happy Homes Showcase feature found in the new game:

    There's a housing display area called the HH Showcase where you can check out homes belonging to people you have encountered via the StreetPass feature, just as you would view a show home.

As with all Iwata Asks interviews, an editor helpfully gives additional information on things that are brought up. In this case an editorial note read:

    In the North American version of the game, model homes created by Nintendo will also appear in the HH Showcase. These homes will be distributed via SpotPass.

So in addition to the houses acquired through StreetPass, Nintendo will also drop off the odd house via SpotPass. We're hoping they'll throw in some Legend of Zelda themed houses, or maybe one dedicated to Pikmin with a beautiful garden outside.

The European translation of the interview also confirmed the new feature.

This edition of Iwata Asks delved into plenty of elements found in the game, including how the future of Mr Resetti's Reset Surveillance Centre will be in your hands.

I have already posted this news.

From iDÉAME13: Unepic.

Here are a few details (in english) taken from GoNintendo:
same as the PC version
- includes Spanish and other languages
- Francisco Tellez is developing multiplayer, which will be future DLC
- 20 hours of gameplay
- 4 levels of difficulty
- difficulty levels have the same content and enemies, but changing rules
- use GamePad buttons to change weapons and items
- port is almost complete
- 9,99 euros is what they're aiming for

The vídeo can be found here: