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Forums - Sales Discussion - Best and worst business decisions that Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony made

In your opinion, what are the 2 or 3 best and the 2 or 3 worst business decisions that Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony have made within their gaming divisions for this generation of X360, Wii, PS3? 

Note:  I'm allowing business decisions to cover a wide category, including emphasis on what is important to them based on what was accomplished.


Microsoft Best

First out for this generation

Nailing pretty much what hardcore Americans want in terms of games 

Online gaming


Microsoft Worse

Poor quality design / control allowing RROD

A better job of understanding Europe gamers


Nintendo Best

Leap of faith into 'Blue Ocean', that there is more than just hardcore gamers.

For the Wii Remote, having Wii Sports to show it off well and bundled in.  DS didn't have a similar type game until Nintendogs came along, and it cost exta.

Brilliant marketing schemes that had local news / entertainment talk host show, etc, 'advertising' for them, giving them a lot of air time for basically no cost. 


Nintendo Worse

Lack of faith in how well Wii would sell.

Not enough support for 3rd party.


Sony Best

Using PS3 to promote Blue Ray  

Strong job of cutting costs


Sony Worst

Arrogance.  Covering the high price, statements made such as 'customers will buy it even without any games made'

Lack of games at the beginning.


Your opinions? 

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.

Around the Network

Hm the wii has alot of 3rd party now and will gain alot more 3rd party. The wii is the new ps2.

$599, RROD, "supply constrained".

$399, Halo3, Endless Blue Ocean.

Wii > X360 > PS3

Microsoft Best:
2007 Game Lineup
XBox Live & Marketplace
GTA Extra Content

Microsoft Worst:
Hardware Testing Prior to Release
Need to do more advertising like Sony
Should have Blu-Ray as an optional player

Sony Best:
Making sure that games are done how they want them to be
Coming out with 40 Gb
Blu-ray inside

Sony Worst:
Price point
Programming model for PS3
Not doing enough to get third parties more involved

Nintendo Best:
Wii Controller
Continued Mario
Continued Zelda

Nintendo Worst:
Console is not powerful enough
Console should come with built in networking
More effort needs to be made in online stuff

Around the Network

Pushing Blu Ray to have HD Gen dominance
Price Reductions
Changing controller back to Dual Shock

Lost exclusive titles
E3 fiascos with the boomorang controller, six axis, and RIDGE RACER!

Tapped the casual market
Finally dulging into good online
Wii remote

Still lacking 3rd party
Supply constrained
Continued support of friend codes


Buying third party multiplatforms or exclusives
Trying to tap Japan
Winning the US

Failed in Japan

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NeoRatt said:
Microsoft Best:
2007 Game Lineup
XBox Live & Marketplace
GTA Extra Content

Microsoft Worst:
Hardware Testing Prior to Release
Need to do more advertising like Sony
Should have Blu-Ray as an optional player

Sony Best:
Making sure that games are done how they want them to be
Coming out with 40 Gb
Blu-ray inside

Sony Worst:
Price point
Programming model for PS3
Not doing enough to get third parties more involved

Nintendo Best:
Wii Controller
Continued Mario
Continued Zelda

Nintendo Worst:
Console is not powerful enough
Console should come with built in networking
More effort needs to be made in online stuff

 What's that supposed to mean??   If it's WiFi, then your wrong.  

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


Microsoft best:
Releasing a year ahead of PS3
Microsoft worst:
Rushed design
Horrible specs
Crappy add on
Following Toshiba into the red
Charging for XBL

Nintendo best:
Cheap entry price
Nintendo worst:
Lack of HD capability

Sony best:
Included BD drive
New processor
Sony worst:
Getting rid of BC
Lack of explanation of why the PS3 released at $600 for the average idiot
Letting GTA4 go multi-plat
Didnt try hard enough on 2007 games
Overall just a horrible job of marketing and informing in 06-07
Taking so long on Home


sony: doing what they needed to do to stay in competition
microsoft: doing what they needed to do to make sony buckle
Nintendo: doing what they needed to do to become the best

sony: arrogance - thinking the brand sells consoles
microsoft: ignorance - thinking people wouldnt notice a design flaw
nintendo: underestimating - thinking people wouldnt buy that many wii's

From a purely marketing-oreinted standpoint...

+ Achievements, plain and simple; there's no better way to boost sales of software than to give the user added incentive to play the game
+ Advertising in America; they pretty much have nailed what it takes to get long-time gamers to jump to 360
- Price point; $400 for the high-end model is $100 more than standard, and $200 more than ideal
- Public relations; the RROD issues have given MS a very negative position with would-be new purchasers

+ Use of bundled software to huge effect; Wii Sports is the best pack-in ever devised in terms of selling a system
+ First-party franchise support; Mario, Metroid, and Zelda (the three biggest Nintendo IPs) have all had stellar incarnations on the Wii
- Supply constraints; the lack of foresight into the effectiveness of their campaign has led to a massive difference between supply and demand
- Corporate relations; Nintendo cannot shake their image as top producer of games for their own console, and this leads to wariness in third-party developers

+ All-purpose "next-gen" entertainment center; the PS3 is easily the most full-featured TV-based electronic device ever produced, bordering on PC-like functionality
+ Supply scare tactics; while questionable in ethics, it cannot be denied that Sony's frequent scaling back of PS3 capabilities and eliminating older more functional models has had some effect on their success in the marketplace
- Price point; if $400 is too much, then $500 is even moreso, and a distant cry from the target range of $200 to $300
- Public relations; Sony got off on the wrong foot early in the lifespan of the PS3 with a disasterous E3 2006 presentation, and has yet to fully recover from it

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