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gonna post me some more console war gifs, gosh i love this gifs , so damn funny XD


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nnodley said:
BloodyRain said:
nnodley said:

Dude "have you seen Shadow Fall's MP".  

You know that's exactly how Xbox fans breakdown ps4 games.  Hilariously bad arguments right there mayne!

You are in serious denial.

Dafuq you edit your post for? haha!!

Other gif, didn't display the words for some reason.

BloodyRain said:
nnodley said:

Dafuq you edit your post for? haha!!

Other gif, didn't display the words for some reason.

It showed for me.  It was something about having feelings. 

Xbot #3

"I live how Sony fanboys keep jumping in here. Freakin randoms. Let's hear them talk about the limited video capturing. Just sharing. Streaming. All you can do on Xbox One. But you have to use Sonys editing software. Can't share where you want just where Sony let's you. Xbox One... Capture as you want. Share it where you want to who you want not just where ur allowed and edit with what ur comfortable with. Not just their crap software. Now Sony fanboys please go back to the Sony pages. Thank you. :))"



Around the Network
gooch_destroyer said:
Xbot #3

"I live how Sony fanboys keep jumping in here. Freakin randoms. Let's hear them talk about the limited video capturing. Just sharing. Streaming. All you can do on Xbox One. But you have to use Sonys editing software. Can't share where you want just where Sony let's you. Xbox One... Capture as you want. Share it where you want to who you want not just where ur allowed and edit with what ur comfortable with. Not just their crap software. Now Sony fanboys please go back to the Sony pages. Thank you. :))"

Wow how wrong this one is.  Does he not know that PS4 let's you record 15 minutes(maybe infinite if some reports are to be believed) and the xbox one is limited to 5 minutes(could be longer I guess, haven't heard anything) .  Plus I've read from plenty of sources that you can upload the videos on ps4 anywhere you want and can take it and edit it in any software you want.  

Talk about grasping for straws. 

Stop it people! Why are you bashing the xbone?! We should be going for the vita!

I don't get it. This topic should be happy how PS4 will be successful and you go on a facebook page on X1... I'm mean what the point.....

@PSM BloodyRain



WebMasterFlex said:
I don't get it. This topic should be happy how PS4 will be successful and you go on a facebook page on X1... I'm mean what the point.....

because, my dear friend, Fuck them xbots.