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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
nnodley said:
Weedlab said:

It's pent up anger on their part for all the years of illtreatment from MS and Sony fans actually having something to play when they didn't. My real life friends who are Xbox fans are doing it now too. For years they were silent, and when I brought up things like IGC (via PS+) and Sony exclusives, they'd just go silent or change the topic swiftly. Now they're talking about getting 'free' games every month and XBO exclusives, which in their opinion, is superior. The key word here is opinion. TF is a timed exclusive at best given EA's involvement, Ryse has a LOT to prove before launch, at this point Forza = DriveClub and KI looks horrible imo. To be honest, neither system really has an impressive list of exclusives (in terms of volume), but both are impressive relatively speaking when you consider multiplats and compare them to previous launches. You have a very diverse bunch of titles when you consoder multiplats and the respective lists of exclusives.

Forza is the only knock out for me on the One, and possibly Dead Rising 3. I want to like Ryse but it leaves so much to be desired at this point. I am willing to wait and see how it does.KI looks so meh and fuck that business model.

Sony is playing their cards right by spreading their titles evenly. I think Sony learned their lesson about releasing too many titles in succession. Pushing back inFAMOUS was a great idea. After people have settled with the system it will give them more reasons to play new games later and avoid that Wii U situation. Plus, having too many exclusives at launch is not a good thing. People like the 'look' of diversity but never buy some of these games lol  After a game is stale some people don't even bother with it. inFAMOUS, the Order and the other exclusives will follow in time. Plus, plenty of people like me don't have the resources to run games like PlanetSide 2 on PC, so for me they're an incentive to get the PS4. TitanFall on the other hand I could play if I bought a 360 for less than a 100 bucks on ebay.


I'm definitely not paying two sets of sub fees this gen, and plus some dicks like Bethesda want to charge people a monthly subscription for their overrated AAA online games, so I'm definitely only getting one box. Thinking about it, having 3 next gen systems, a PS3 and 2 handlelds is fucken OD man lol

Dude that is exactly what I was pretty much thinking, but couldn't write it out right. :-p

It's like what famousmortimer said on gaf about how he heard sony wasn't gonna show any of their big hitters because they want to leave enough announcements so when a low point in ps4 hype comes they can announce them and bring the hype back up.  As much as I want to see all the games Sony's studios are making, I want a steady stream of announcements and releases more.  Plus it makes a lot of sense the more you think about it.  

I like playing on consoles more than PC, so that's why I'm waiting to play planetside 2 on ps4.  It's much more enjoyable to me that way.  Only if the game is worth it on PC will I buy it on there or if it's cheap on steam.  

I'm thinking of getting X1 next year and get a good deal on black friday or something, but I'm definitely not paying for Live gold.  And if I do I'll have freaking PS3, PS4, Vita, X1, and Wii U and that's gonna be expensive as hell to afford the games from all of them.  

Yea I'm sticking with Sony and Nintendo this gen. PS3 PSV PS4 Wii U and 3DS. That's enough as is lol Two subs is a bit much and I'm a software collector so there would be no end if I had each of the big three. Microsoft would have to cum HARD with the Xbox to get me to even consider, and I'm talking serious foreplay and movie & a dinner actions. I give them props for erecting some exclusives, but I'm tired of their video game version of rent seeking behavior. Either way, people on both sides have a lot to look forward to from both systems. I did enjoy Gears, and I LOVE Conker, so I'll keep my eyes on those two games and any other interesting new IPs they erect.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Around the Network
BloodyRain said:

lol, have you seen titan fall? Let me breakdown sony games for you buddy!

KZ ShadowFall-ooo, generic space shooter


Driveclub-forza 5 enough said

Indies-not real games

Infamous SS-Some generic open world game, crack down biatch!

Looks like another fail of a console next to the vita. xD

Dude "have you seen Shadow Fall's MP".  

You know that's exactly how Xbox fans breakdown ps4 games.  Hilariously bad arguments right there mayne!

nnodley said:
BloodyRain said:

lol, have you seen titan fall? Let me breakdown sony games for you buddy!

KZ ShadowFall-ooo, generic space shooter


Driveclub-forza 5 enough said

Indies-not real games

Infamous SS-Some generic open world game, crack down biatch!

Looks like another fail of a console next to the vita. xD

Dude "have you seen Shadow Fall's MP".  

You know that's exactly how Xbox fans breakdown ps4 games.  Hilariously bad arguments right there mayne!

hilariously bad? come on man, be honest, wake up and accept the truth. everything he said is right

XBOT #2 "Man Sony ponys must be still trying to recover from gamescom... They are attacking everything Xbox one related and failing lol. They spend more time hating Xbox one then liking play station 4 pretty sad. I think XBOX WON"

gooch_destroyer said:
XBOT #2 "Man Sony ponys must be still trying to recover from gamescom... They are attacking everything Xbox one related and failing lol. They spend more time hating Xbox one then liking play station 4 pretty sad. I think XBOX WON"

Now that's sad. That dude needs to do like me and come out of the basement every now and again. Fresh air has you oblivious to trivial things like that lol


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Around the Network
nnodley said:
BloodyRain said:

lol, have you seen titan fall? Let me breakdown sony games for you buddy!

KZ ShadowFall-ooo, generic space shooter


Driveclub-forza 5 enough said

Indies-not real games

Infamous SS-Some generic open world game, crack down biatch!

Looks like another fail of a console next to the vita. xD

Dude "have you seen Shadow Fall's MP".  

You know that's exactly how Xbox fans breakdown ps4 games.  Hilariously bad arguments right there mayne!

You are in serious denial.

pezus said:
nnodley said:
pezus said:
nnodley has almost reached the highest level (108 trophies! Seriously). I need to add more. Any ideas for abilities? ;o

I want to make a second title for myself.  I want to be the Lord of GIFs.  So I will be Lord of Graphics and Lord of GIFs.   Maybe something better sounding than Lord of GIFs though.  And I'll think about some abilities.

You want Lord of GIFs but maybe something better sounding? o.O

So I will not put that in the OP or? ;o

The GILF?..

pezus said:
nnodley said:
pezus said:
nnodley has almost reached the highest level (108 trophies! Seriously). I need to add more. Any ideas for abilities? ;o

I want to make a second title for myself.  I want to be the Lord of GIFs.  So I will be Lord of Graphics and Lord of GIFs.   Maybe something better sounding than Lord of GIFs though.  And I'll think about some abilities.

You want Lord of GIFs but maybe something better sounding? o.O

So I will not put that in the OP or? ;o

I don't know how else to put Lord of GIFs.  So I'll just stick with it being Lord of GIFs or Lord of Kickass GIFs

BloodyRain said:
nnodley said:
BloodyRain said:

lol, have you seen titan fall? Let me breakdown sony games for you buddy!

KZ ShadowFall-ooo, generic space shooter


Driveclub-forza 5 enough said

Indies-not real games

Infamous SS-Some generic open world game, crack down biatch!

Looks like another fail of a console next to the vita. xD

Dude "have you seen Shadow Fall's MP".  

You know that's exactly how Xbox fans breakdown ps4 games.  Hilariously bad arguments right there mayne!

You are in serious denial.

Dafuq you edit your post for? haha!!

pezus said:
nnodley said:

I don't know how else to put Lord of GIFs.  So I'll just stick with it being Lord of GIFs or Lord of Kickass GIFs

Well, make a decision! xD

Okay Okay!!!  Lord of Kickass GIFs is my choice.