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xbox UK facebook page are total sony fanboys

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nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Yeah, it's pretty much bullshit. Theres noting that i wan't form the x1 that i can't get on pc. It just seems like they try to make them selfs feel better about their purchase, no mattar how wrong they really are. 

bananaking21 said:
xbox UK facebook page are total sony fanboys

HAHAHAHAHA!! Wow, I feel like MS is becoming very desperate right now.   I mean the game is the best I've ever played so I don't blame them. 

nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Lol I joined an Xbox One facebook group just to stir shit up.Yeah they're give Sony shit for showing indie games. I'm like wtf?!

Found some interesting news, it seems like dedicated servers are like turning on a switch, which i was told is just impossible from users on this site.

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Mmmfishtacos said:
nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Yeah, it's pretty much bullshit. Theres noting that i wan't form the x1 that i can't get on pc. It just seems like they try to make them selfs feel better about their purchase, no mattar how wrong they really are. 

I mean I'm glad that they are liking what MS is putting out, but just don't act like it's the greatest launch line up ever.  

Mmmfishtacos said:
nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Yeah, it's pretty much bullshit. Theres noting that i wan't form the x1 that i can't get on pc. It just seems like they try to make them selfs feel better about their purchase, no mattar how wrong they really are. 

eh no matter how much they say it gamers will always care about exclusives. since xbox 360's exclusives in the past 3 years consisted of gears, halo, forza, gears, halo forza, gears. they claimed they dont matter any more. but exclusives do matter, and they matter a lot. remember when MS announced 15 exclusives in the first year? they went crazy. it will be like last gen, MS money hats as much exclusives as they can, so they seem like they have a decent lineup of them, fast forward 3 years and those money hated devs are now making multiplats and the xbox exclusives are just the high selling games that MS owns. 

gooch_destroyer said:
nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Lol I joined an Xbox One facebook group just to stir shit up.Yeah they're give Sony shit for showing indie games. I'm like wtf?!

Yeah and indie games are not games now somehow.  How the fuck does that even work anyways.  lol

Also, it you look at the entire line of ps3/4 and vita for the year, it absolutely destroys the competition.

Mmmfishtacos said:
Also, it you look at the entire line of ps3/4 and vita for the year, it absolutely destroys the competition.

now now, in the new mario game you can dress up and crawl like a kitty. if that doesnt scream next gen i dont know what does