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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

Not voting since The Order and inFAMOUS captured my interest equally but differently.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

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nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Does Nnodley need to choke a bitch? I love it when you go into Hulk mode. =D Meh I couldn't care less. I'm more than happy with Sony's offerings. More than worth the 400.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

well ryse is looking like shit (gameplay wise, i was very interested in the game when we first saw it, not so much now) dead rising is looking like an average game (sorry wright!) and forza is a racer (for me, racers are boring). killer instinct is no bigger than any indie game the fact they made it F2P proves that point (sony has tons of exclusives there), and project spark is multiplate with PC, if we are going to include that then why not include warframe and PS. fact is, killzone looks like it will hand every xbox exclusive its ass until TitanFall comes out, which is just a timed console exclusive (also, PC baby!). KZ will hand every MS first party game its ass until halo comes out too, then you will have SSM, MM, GG and naughty dogs games announced and some of them (maybe all) would have launched. people seem to forget that Sony's FOUR BIGGEST games yet unannounced from the studios i just listed, and mind you, they all had a 3 year or plus development time. who ever thinks MS will win when it comes to exclusives is just delusional

Weedlab said:
nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

Does Nnodley need to choke a bitch? I love it when you go into Hulk mode. =D Meh I couldn't care less. I'm more than happy with Sony's offerings. More than worth the 400.

Yeah no doubt I'm perfectly fine with Sony's games and Killzone looks better to me than all the X1 exclusives shown combined.  And yes give me a diehard X1 fan and I'll choke the bitch.  lol  not really.  But the only thing that really bothers me is when xbox fans get mad that PS fans post stuff about PS4 being the best console ever and x1 sucking, but it's perfectly fine if an xbox fan posts news about ps4 sucking and X1 being awesome.  Hypocrites much.

bananaking21 said:
nnodley said:
Is anyone else getting sick of people acting like it's fact that X1 has a "so" much better launch lineup? It's annoying as fuck. I don't think either console has a great launch lineup, but, IMO, I like ps4's better because I like those games better. Plus X1 has like maybe 1 or 2 more big exclusives at launch, that's so much more. /s And then X1 fans can list titanfall as exclusive, even though it's on PC and 360, but Sony fans can't list Blacklight and Planetside 2 as exclusive because they are on PC. It's ass backwards. It goes both ways though, but the X1 fans are becoming worse than PS4 fans to me.

well ryse is looking like shit (gameplay wise, i was very interested in the game when we first saw it, not so much now) dead rising is looking like an average game (sorry wright!) and forza is a racer (for me, racers are boring). killer instinct is no bigger than any indie game the fact they made it F2P proves that point (sony has tons of exclusives there), and project spark is multiplate with PC, if we are going to include that then why not include warframe and PS. fact is, killzone looks like it will hand every xbox exclusive its ass until TitanFall comes out, which is just a timed console exclusive (also, PC baby!). KZ will hand every MS first party game its ass until halo comes out too, then you will have SSM, MM, GG and naughty dogs games announced and some of them (maybe all) would have launched. people seem to forget that Sony's FOUR BIGGEST games yet unannounced from the studios i just listed, and mind you, they all had a 3 year or plus development time. who ever thinks MS will win when it comes to exclusives is just delusional

Yeah I was liking what Ryse was showing at E3, but the latest videos are lackluster.  I was never a fan of dead rising so I don't like dead rising 3.  I'm not big on racers either, but I will download Driveclub PS+ edition since it's free.  Oh and that reminds me that now indies don't count as games now that Sony has all the indies on their console.  Oh well can't wait for Nov. 15th!!

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Why Sucker Punch added touch controls to Infamous: Second Son


Sucker Punch has utilized the PlayStation 4 hardware to do things it simply wasn't able to do on current-gen hardware, director Nate Fox told Polygon during a Gamescom interview; things like realistic city-building and touch-based controls.

The Infamous series is known for its open-world "urban playgrounds," environments that allowed the games' super-powered protagonist to climb buildings, wreck cars and grind subway rails. In Infamous: Second Son, that living world can be bigger, more detailed and closer to Seattle — Second Son's real-world source material, and the city where Sucker Punch is based.

"Because we live there, we can make it extremely real, it feels like a place that exists," Fox said. "With the PS4, we can bring in a lot of detail, and textures and lighting effects that you totally buy. On top of that, you add the super powers, and you believe more that it could happen."

Sucker Punch isn't beating around the bush with the naming of its in-game city. The original Infamous took place in Empire City, a metropolitan environment loosely modeled after New York City, and Infamous 2 was set in New Marais, which was closely modeled after New Orleans. There's no fictional name for the setting of Second Son, Fox said.

"Oh, yeah, we're calling it Seattle," Fox said. "It's got the space needle in it! We made New Marais and it was certainly largely inspired by New Orleans. When we decided to put the new game in Seattle, we just wanted to call it like it is, which is Seattle."

Like the previous games, though, Sucker Punch isn't striving to recreate its home city on a 1:1 basis. The studio has taken creative, necessary liberties to make Seattle a fun place to exercise your powers within.

"There is one thing that's a bit different from our Seattle, the one that I call home — we didn't lay out the streets to be an exact duplicate of Seattle," Fox said. "We laid out the streets and made the buildings to be a great game. We wanted to make sure that it was dense, with a lot of places to discover and explore, and ways to use your powers. We prioritize fun over a complete 1:1 recreation."

The more surprising addition that the PS4 hardware allows are context-sensitive actions that the player conducts using the DualShock 4 touchpad. Our demo showed protagonist Delsin Rowe passing through a security checkpoint, requiring him to perform a DNA test by placing his finger on a scanner; an action the player simulates by placing their finger on the correct part of the touchpad. Other actions are more common; stealth kills, for example, require players to put their thumbs on both ends of the touchpad — perhaps to simulate the violent act of strangulation.

It's a strange addition, considering the fluidity of the series' locomotion and combat — wouldn't adding touch controls toss a monkey wrench in that flow? According to Fox, gesture controls are more about adding variety to the core cycle of flame-throwing destruction.

"You have these big moves, bread and butter awesome gameplay things; that's joystick and button territory," Fox said. "But when we wanted to do something a bit more subtle, something that's a bit more personal, we go to the touchpad because there's a fidelity of control. Frankly, it's a good change of pace. It kind of resets you on the bigger things. That's kind of how we draw the line on when we do the touchpad and when we go for huge effects.

"When you're making a game, you're trying to make a lot of verbs; that's the word we use," Fox said. "I can jump, I can blast — doing something small, like in the demo the other day, Delsin having his DNA scanned; we use the touchpad to recreate that verb of 'finger scan' that the player gets to experience, and bring themselves closer into being Delsin. It's something we can't do unless we have a new method for allowing you to be that verb."

Infamous: Second Son launches in February 2014 for PlayStation 4.

Vote: Order 1337. It's new and we don't know how bad it could go.

nnodley said:

Yeah I was liking what Ryse was showing at E3, but the latest videos are lackluster.  I was never a fan of dead rising so I don't like dead rising 3.  I'm not big on racers either, but I will download Driveclub PS+ edition since it's free.  Oh and that reminds me that now indies don't count as games now that Sony has all the indies on their console.  Oh well can't wait for Nov. 15th!!

they only count when they sell, like minecraft, but now that doesnt count. (i mean really? xbox fans were bragging about minecraft?) the funny thing is when some claimed xbox won because they announced a sequal to a series that has a 78 meta on avarage (fable1/2/3journey) while Sony announced like 14 games, date of PS4, PS vita price cut and PS3 price cut

bananaking21 said:
nnodley said:

Yeah I was liking what Ryse was showing at E3, but the latest videos are lackluster.  I was never a fan of dead rising so I don't like dead rising 3.  I'm not big on racers either, but I will download Driveclub PS+ edition since it's free.  Oh and that reminds me that now indies don't count as games now that Sony has all the indies on their console.  Oh well can't wait for Nov. 15th!!

they only count when they sell, like minecraft, but now that doesnt count. (i mean really? xbox fans were bragging about minecraft?) the funny thing is when some claimed xbox won because they announced a sequal to a series that has a 78 meta on avarage (fable1/2/3journey) while Sony announced like 14 games, date of PS4, PS vita price cut and PS3 price cut

Man I'm so glad I'm mainly a Sony guy, though Sony has some annoying diehard fans too.  Even if I get an X1 next year I'm not gonna associate myself with any of those type of people.  I will give MS credit for trying to give people games though.  

What's your favourite next gen feature that wasn't possible on this generation of consoles?