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New Drive Club gameplay(offscreen) at Sony's recent london event.  Video is only 720p and the compression is horrible but from what I can tell the lighting is amazing with it looking to be dynamic because it gets darker by the end of the video.  Road Textures look great from what I can tell and really anything on the track looks amazing, but the backgrounds need some more work.  Need a better quality video to really tell about framerate and aliasing.  

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Oh and just so everyone knows, if you get the PS+ edition of drive club you will be able to buy the full game for a discounted price!! Confirmed by Yoshida on twitter.

^ Sweet ... I already intend to get it - hard copy. Good to have a diversity of games although generally speaking racers are not my cup of tea.


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Weedlab said:
^ Sweet ... I already intend to get it - hard copy. Good to have a diversity of games although generally speaking racers are not my cup of tea.

@bold:  Same here.  I never usually play many racers but I'm keeping my eye on DC and will try the PS+ edition and if I like it I'll buy it.  

Can you say fucking beautiful!!

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Day 1 of course.

nnodley said:

Can you say fucking beautiful!!

fucking beautiful :*D


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!


It looks like that ps4 they got is exactly what it will look like in the back. Since we know IGN couldn't show the back they probably just got an early version of the ps4 without the inputs finalized.

Best Destiny gameplay direct feed.