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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
pezus said:
No, no, no. There will be a vote as always. It's a popular title!

Time for my election campaign!!

Around the Network

I just can't stop to laugh about all the comments in this thread... you guys are really really amazing.

Thank you my great new family PlayStation Nation!

pezus said:

Lol! He should have one of these for an avatar if he becomes a princess

Oh, I will.

Euphoria14 said:
pezus said:
Euphoria14 said:
pezus said:
Good people. I must remind you that there's no need to defend me on the battleground. I can hold my own, and usually I do it without getting banned . We cannot lose more people!

Absurd! If one of are not with you then how else would you be shielded from oncoming gun fire?

I am a Warrior King. I can defend myself

Blasphemy! You shall not go out unprotected.


Allow me to be your meat shield.

No one threatens the king in the presence of the kingsguard!

Tyrion:  I am not threatening the king I am educating my nephew.  Bronn, if ser (forget which one) speaks again...kill him.  That was a threat.  See the difference?

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

rutea7 said:
I haz votes!!!!!!! (Blushing)

OMG! Of course you do hun , I'd say "i told you so" but i'll let the results (hopefully) speak for themselves, hahahaha

you are on track for one of the titles , wishing you very well <3


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)

Around the Network

Ah, yoh... I don't really want to have some kinda royal title y'know? I'm kind of a loner but I only rep Sony, PlayStation. So if there any place for me here well... I'll like to be there.

TechXIII: Listen To Our Story.

Add a section for MMORPG.

Duke of MMORPG. Put me in it!

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5 Pro
pezus said:
Made some changes to Post #2
Added Warden names for various genres. Tell me if I'm missing important ones
Changed the title Lord of JRPGs to Warden of JRPGs because of the aforementioned change

You forgot Deyon Lord of inFAMOUS and Warden of the open world, you Icelandic ****** ***

pezus said:
Made some changes to Post #2
Added Warden names for various genres. Tell me if I'm missing important ones
Changed the title Lord of JRPGs to Warden of JRPGs because of the aforementioned change

Totally calling warden of platformers since it's already in my sig lol.  Also I had the idea for that title and it's in my name so...come on!...your grace.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Chunli said:

Princess Badgenome



Don't ever let Prince Charles see this, he'd immediately dump Camilla for her!   


PS This princess alone would already make this thread awesome, even for non-PS gamers!   

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW!