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I don't care what other people say; I'm still pumped for Watch_Dogs.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
Mmmfishtacos said:
Anyone getting octodad?

It looks like a it would make a fun cartoon, but just gives me an impression that the controls might be frustrating, and that it might get boring after a few minutes. Now, if that was free on plus, I would have gotten it.


@Raven - I completely understand the state of PS+ offerings, but for the past 6+ months all I see on PS4 are either 8bit games or puzzle platformers. And every time another indie game is announced, it is one or the other or both, I just get sick to my stomach. So much that I was actually thinking of buying Backgammon because it is neither, and I don't have a clue how to play it.

   Me neither. Plus i got to get Toukiden, Danganronpa, Demon Gaze....


(wtf.... all vita games? NO WAI I TELL YOU)

Damn .... because of Raven I don't even feel the need to go to various websites for Playstation news like I used to.

Excellent job, man.


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS

Weedlab said:
Damn .... because of Raven I don't even feel the need to go to various websites for Playstation news like I used to.

Excellent job, man.

Until the day he gets in trouble at work for sitting at his desk fapping while looking up playstation news and porn!!   

Around the Network
Conegamer said:
I don't care what other people say; I'm still pumped for Watch_Dogs.

Same for me!!  After seeing the newer ps4 footage and screens I don't believe there was a downgrade at all.  That was just gaf being gaf! lulz

Raven722 said:

These guys have a poll for which Final Fantasy you'd most like to see redone in HD.

so i see im not the only one who wants a ffviii   remake haha

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

nnodley said:
Weedlab said:
Damn .... because of Raven I don't even feel the need to go to various websites for Playstation news like I used to.

Excellent job, man.

Until the day he gets in trouble at work for sitting at his desk fapping while looking up playstation news and porn!!   

Then I'll have a lot more time to do it until I find a new job.

Raven722 said:
nnodley said:

Until the day he gets in trouble at work for sitting at his desk fapping while looking up playstation news and porn!!   

Then I'll have a lot more time to do it until I find a new job.

OR, your boss sits down next to you and starts fapping as well! :-p   

Some gameplay info about watch dogs.  If it's been posted then,  eh you'll get over it! :-p

Some general tidbits of the gameplay:

- You have your own apartment in the city with a wardrobe, bed etc. It's kinda similar to the buildings you have in GTA games
- When you hack someones phone, you can hack their bank account but you can also steal their car registry information and then you get their car delivered to you.
- When you hack certain NPCs, you'll find out they might suffer from cancer or poverty and that might make it harder to steal their money or their car from a moral aspect.
- There are clothing shops with an extensive amount of different outfits
- Driving feals great in my opinion. Could be they used some experience from Driver. 
- Being chased by the cops, opening a metal gate in the distance and then driving through it while already closing it is very cool. When you manage to close it just when the police tries to enter -> pretty damn awesome when you see them getting rammed.
- Same can be said about activating bollards. No greater feeling than seeing cop cars getting pulled into the air because they were driving over bollards and I activated them right at that moment.
- You have ctOS facilities that can be compared to the forts in Assassin's Creed and the outposts from Far Cry 3. You have to collect a security key from a guard so you can enter the server room and hack it. These facilities are being protected by armored guards with guns. 
- New way of stealth: You can hack a camera, jump from camera to camera till you find the security guard with the key. Hack into his phone, collect it and then jump from his phone to a different guard on patrol. When that guard enters the server room -> jump from his phone to the computer. You'll then play a small hacking puzzle. When you complete that puzzle, the building is hacked. This means you did the entire thing without doing any physical action with Aiden himself. It's pretty much digital stealth.
- You may also get sidemissions from hacking people, they're pretty dynamic. I found a guy stalking his ex-girlfriend and he was about to hurt her. I traced his location and beat him up before he could do a thing. I also discovered a rich guy who was into hentai and you could challenge him to a drinking game at the bar!
- Controls/movement feels similar to Assassin's Creed, but game itself feels very different and there is definitely more freedom
- You can listen to music everywhere, you can hack other phones for music and you can even hack the music installation in a bar. You can also customize your playlist etc
- You can also order cars through the phone. There's a pretty expansive list, ranging from cheap towncars to luxury sportcars. You unlock them through the story, challenges or by simply buying them.


Augmented Reality games in Watch Dogs:

- You can fight against aliens in Chicago. Nothing really changes in the city, but these small augmented aliens float around, you get a special augmented reality gun and you have to shoot them down wave after wave. 

- You also have Madness, which is basically Watch Dogs meets Carmageddon. I loved this. Chicago turns into some kind of hellish city, all the citizens are flaming zombies and you drive around the city with some kind of post apocalyptic car. You'll get objectives like reaching a certain killstreak, killing x amount of zombies or reaching max speed for several seconds. You have to complete these things with a timer and it gets harder, but you'll also unlock some new powers for the car.

- Another AR game is where giant golden coins appear around Chicago and you have to platform your way to collect them while avoiding large skulls. Again, you have to collecting everything under a certain time and there's awards based on your time.

- You can also control a giant armored spider and wreck havoc around town. I don't remember exactly what the objectives were, but it reminded me about Saints Row where you can drive around a huge armored tank and destroy everything. It's pretty fun.