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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


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Happy 549 70.38%
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Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

poklane said:

 PS3/X360 versions are confirmed, but there was a rumor that High Moon Studios was doing those versions. Now normally Treyarch does the Wii U version, so that would mean that Sledgehammer has been working on only PS4/XB1/PC versions for over 2 years now if that rumors is true.


Not surprised at all.

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pezus said:


Fuck da police!

pezus said:


The comments are fucking stupid. The cop shoved the guy and he told the cop to go fuck himself. So then the cop grabs him, walks him forcefully backwards all the way to his car, slams him across the hood, wrestles him to the ground, and punches him in the face several times before using any "proper" physical force to restrain the guy. But ofcourse you have people defending the cop as if the guy he attacked did something terribly wrong. The cop hardly tried to contain the situation verbally or with any kind of proper force. What he did was textbook police brutality. He went way beyond any necessary measures.

pezus said:
^The guy deserves a good, hard sacking

If that had been my friend getting attacked like that by a cop right in front of me I'd be in jail or dead right now because there's no way in hell I'd let that slide. The moment I see the cop punch my friend in the face on the ground the cop's face is getting field goal kicked.