I'm playing through GTA IV again because the first time I gave up after like 2 hours...
I'm playing it on PC and am surprised as to how crappy it runs. I mean I don't have the best PC (Intel i5-3230M, GT 630M, 6 GB RAM, W8) but I could run games like Far Cry 3 at 1600*900 with some settings at medium and around 40 FPS.
GTA IV I have to run everything low at 1080P with no shadows or anything lol. I bumped res down to like 900P but it really doesn't give me any frames...Not sure why.
Anyways, the game is not very fun...Missions are just go here and kill this guy for me and come back to get another mission thats the same or similar. I'll stick to it though, maybe it gets better.