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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%

12 steps huh

Around the Network


Tekken maybe?

Sony Santa Monica is in the credits.

Hint #2

Twisted metal?


Around the Network

I'm starting to believe that it's a game noone played :P

So Infamous Second Son will be just shy of 1 million in around 8-9 days. That's fucking good!! Deserves every freaking sale.

I said watchdogs, but really its driveclub and the order.


the-pi-guy said:
golfgt170 said:
I'm starting to believe that it's a game noone played :P

I'm starting to believe that it's a game that doesn't exist.  

It's tracked by vgchartz and is on this list.


Within the top 1,000.