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the-pi-guy said:
JoeTheBro said:

With graphics intensive games, it's tricky. Optimizing on console is much simpler than optimizing on PC, but on PC you can also just force players to need better equipment.


I wouldn't diffidently say one is better than the other for every project.

Player:  "I think I'm gonna put my settings to max on this game."

Game:  "Error, get a better computer, you (insert curseword here)."


That'd be interesting, for sure.  

You know what I meant!

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Sooo, my PS3 version that I've never played is pretty much dead to me now then.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


pezus said:

This game looks great

Nextgen AI Confirmed :D

prepare for complaints, "we wanted nextgen AI, but now we realise we are not that smart, we were use to scripted AI and now the aliens haunt is too smart, it's too damn hard, NORRR" Sony comes in to save the day with VR. players now have the ability to watch their backs like they would in real life.

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

as a huge FIFa fan. FIFA on ps4 is disappointing. EA ignite new engine bullshit. it just a cross gen fifa. like other games like AC, COD, and co. using Ignite for marketing purposes doesn't make it nextgen exclusive. its no better than a cross gen title.
can't wait for the real nextgen FIFA. Not this bullshit. if ignite is actually a new engine, then they need to abandon it cause it's shit. /rant/

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

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This engine trailer looked much better than the actual game. animations look very good here.

Smartest nam evila

Current Platforms: HighendPC[rip]/PS4/PS3[rip]/Vita[rip]

trixiemafia86 said:

as a huge FIFa fan. FIFA on ps4 is disappointing. EA ignite new engine bullshit. it just a cross gen fifa. like other games like AC, COD, and co. using Ignite for marketing purposes doesn't make it nextgen exclusive. its no better than a cross gen title.
can't wait for the real nextgen FIFA. Not this bullshit. if ignite is actually a new engine, then they need to abandon it cause it's shit. /rant/

All of EA's next-gen sports games were disappointing. None of them looked visually stunning or played much different from their previous iterations. NBA 2K14 looked next-gen and MLB 14: The Show looks next-gen. But, EA's UFC game does look really impressive so I think the Ignite might not be that bad. I think they were arrogant going into next gen and because of that they suffered for it. I'm hoping because of the flak they got in their sports games and the fact that other sports games look so much better that they'll actually make FIFA, Madden, and NHL look next-gen. NBA for them is hopeless.

Hm... We're on a good way

Sadly there is still this

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

hellz ya! just got my third ps4 plat!

Man the evil side of infamous is a lot darker at the end lol

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

Infamous > Titanfall on Amazon for March. Titanfall > Infamous for 2014.