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nnodley said:
^Reading about Sleeping Dogs in ps+ reminds me that I still have to finish the game, which I bought almost a year ago. Got a lot of catching up to do on my backlog now that I'm off from classes for a long while. Have quite a bit on ps3 to play and like 6-7 games on PC to plathay.

That's on my to get list, but later. For now my Vita is getting my attention. I'm considering Hitman A and a few other games too. My backlog is set to grow, and grow .... and grow.


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Weedlab said:
nnodley said:
^Reading about Sleeping Dogs in ps+ reminds me that I still have to finish the game, which I bought almost a year ago. Got a lot of catching up to do on my backlog now that I'm off from classes for a long while. Have quite a bit on ps3 to play and like 6-7 games on PC to plathay.

That's on my to get list, but later. For now my Vita is getting my attention. I'm considering Hitman A and a few other games too. My backlog is set to grow, and grow .... and grow.

The next few weeks is gonna be game playing galore for me!! I plan on having my backlog down to just a few games by the time TLOU comes out.  And I want to try and platinum a few more games too. 

Hitman is pretty good and worth it to me.

You guys better finish Sleeping Dogs. I have a huge backlog on PS+ but thats like the only game that I truly couldnt put down. Its my GOTY runner up of 2011.

Here is the first PS4 developer diary of Watch Dogs.  I think everything seen in the dev diary is suppose to be ps4 footage. Enjoy!!!

Uncharted 4 + GT6 + The Last Guardian at E3, would make it be a glorious show.

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More GT6 rumors :

even though I think we will see plenty 1st party stuff. I think we will be getting some 3rd party exclusives like a FF game (versus XIII), Kingdom hearts III, etc.

So close to TLOU demo. 28 days.

Has anyone seen these screens before?  They are a first for me.

TLOU is mind blowing! It looks like PS4! With these graphics do we need a PS4? :O

My E3 perfect day will be PS4 Box and uncharted 4! Also Crash Bandicoot 4 ;)