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Forums - Sony Discussion - PLAYSTATION Nation -The Legend


How does this make you feel?

Happy 549 70.38%
Sad 17 2.18%
Scared 4 0.51%
Excited 4 0.51%
Angry 2 0.26%
Awful 7 0.90%
Raven722 said:
nnodley said:
Raven722 said:
Typically the metacritic average of the game doesn't move much once it hits 30 reviews. It may go up or down a few points. If the reviews don't start looking better I might cancel my pre-order. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that's just 'good'. I have better uses for that money right now.

Uhh!!  Practically every "consumer" that got the game early has given the game huge praise.  Awesome powers, better story than the first two, amazing graphics, fluid gameplay, fun traversal.  Only negative I've heard from actual consumers not being paid(:-p) is that the side missions are not any better than the first two.  If you still are on the fence come tomorrow, then wait till we here in the nation thread give our impressions as atleast I will give my complete honest opinion.  

Sorry man but I already got burned on Killzone and I've seen enough through livestreams to have formed my opinion, as much as one can without actually playing, that the game is good but it feels like something is missing that the previous games had. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that I play for awhile and then don't touch. I already have AC4 that I haven't finished and BF4 has been calling my name lately. I might still pick it up but I'm leaning towards no on this one.

Hey, it's not a problem.  Not up to me to make you decide.  But all I'm saying is a lot of people have said it easily eclipses the first two games in quality and story. So we have reviewers saying story is so-so while we have consumers saying the game is a big step up from infamous 1/2.  

For me, I'm going with the consumers on this one.  Plus I have gift cards so i'm not using any money! :-p  And it looks amazeballs to me.

Around the Network
poklane said:
mornelithe said:
poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

And reviewers who operate like that should be ignored.  If they're not applying the same things to every game they review, they're not worth anyone's time.

Just watch and see the same reviewers give the game Mario Kart 8 an 9.5/10.....

Yeah, but I won't.  My system this gen is to separate good reviewers from bad ones, by applying the standards set forth last gen to this gen.  If a game performs worse on console A than B, back in 2007 and received lower scores, it should do the same this gen.  If a reviewer applies their methodology inconstitently across games, they're gone.  I don't go to shitty news sites, so there's no reason I should go to shitty review sites.

nnodley said:
Raven722 said:
nnodley said:
Raven722 said:
Typically the metacritic average of the game doesn't move much once it hits 30 reviews. It may go up or down a few points. If the reviews don't start looking better I might cancel my pre-order. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that's just 'good'. I have better uses for that money right now.

Uhh!!  Practically every "consumer" that got the game early has given the game huge praise.  Awesome powers, better story than the first two, amazing graphics, fluid gameplay, fun traversal.  Only negative I've heard from actual consumers not being paid(:-p) is that the side missions are not any better than the first two.  If you still are on the fence come tomorrow, then wait till we here in the nation thread give our impressions as atleast I will give my complete honest opinion.  

Sorry man but I already got burned on Killzone and I've seen enough through livestreams to have formed my opinion, as much as one can without actually playing, that the game is good but it feels like something is missing that the previous games had. I really don't want to spend another $60 on a game that I play for awhile and then don't touch. I already have AC4 that I haven't finished and BF4 has been calling my name lately. I might still pick it up but I'm leaning towards no on this one.

Hey, it's not a problem.  Not up to me to make you decide.  But all I'm saying is a lot of people have said it easily eclipses the first two games in quality and story. So we have reviewers saying story is so-so while we have consumers saying the game is a big step up from infamous 1/2.  

For me, I'm going with the consumers on this one.  Plus I have gift cards so i'm not using any money! :-p  And it looks amazeballs to me.

Consumer opinions > Reviewer's opinion

poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

Exactly!!  Shit is annoying as fuck.  The people who can't see that this is a freaking huge problem with games journalism are also what will be the problem because they will treat reviews as something you have to read/watch in order to see what's a good game and what's not. 

Or people saying there isn't enough variety in enemies (DUP). I'm like: did you ever fucking play GTA? I only see guns in that franchise, but everyone gives that shit a 10/10..

Did people honestly expect for their to be a ton of variety to the DUP?  And other enemies for that matter?  UGH, i'm just getting more pissed off.  I'm going into the games industry as an environment artist, and I would want actual reviewers who give a shit to review the games I put hard work and dedication into.  But I doubt anything will change in 3 years when I apply for jobs. 

nnodley said:
poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
nnodley said:
poklane said:
Is it just me, or are reviewers extremely harsh for inFAMOUS?

theres no multiplayer, bro!!  Automatic 2 points off!!!  And shhhhhh, we don't have to tell anybody we docked points for no MP.  We'll just put in some fake negatives so we don't show how bad of journalist we are! :-p lulz

But seriously, people giving the game a 7/10 for not doing anything new in the genre, but then they give games like BF4 a 9.5 LMAO. Measuring with 2 sizes that is...

Exactly!!  Shit is annoying as fuck.  The people who can't see that this is a freaking huge problem with games journalism are also what will be the problem because they will treat reviews as something you have to read/watch in order to see what's a good game and what's not. 

Or people saying there isn't enough variety in enemies (DUP). I'm like: did you ever fucking play GTA? I only see guns in that franchise, but everyone gives that shit a 10/10..

Did people honestly expect for their to be a ton of variety to the DUP?  And other enemies for that matter?  UGH, i'm just getting more pissed off.  I'm going into the games industry as an environment artist, and I would want actual reviewers who give a shit to review the games I put hard work and dedication into.  But I doubt anything will change in 3 years when I apply for jobs. 

Yeah, it's like they have no idea what a private force looks like, sure, they want everyone to be different that's exactly how any military force works. /s

Around the Network
poklane said:

Consumer opinions > Reviewer's opinion

You know, the game being played by quite a lot of people early has actually done wonders for the game to me.  Very good impressions from people who played it.  Likely made a decent amount of people preorder the game.  Nothing huge, but anything helps.

nnodley said:
poklane said:

Consumer opinions > Reviewer's opinion

You know, the game being played by quite a lot of people early has actually done wonders for the game to me.  Very good impressions from people who played it.  Likely made a decent amount of people preorder the game.  Nothing huge, but anything helps.

Aye, the IGN live stream, gameplay vids, and all the dev diaries told me more about the game and what it's like than any number a reviewer assigns to it.

inFAMOUS 2 got 2 points lower than inFAMOUS 1 on metacritic, and I enjoyed the second a whole lot more than the first.

inFAMOUS SS has 2 points lower than inFAMOUS 2...It's a sign!

SnakeDrake said:
eFKac said:
celador said:
eFKac said:
celador said:

All aboard the hype train!!!!



How much time until the embargo lifts? Please don't give me a timezone, cause I have no idea which timezone it is and how does it translate to mine

Predicting 79-81 meta.

If the title to this thread is correct (because a few different times have been mentioned) 9am PST is 4pm in London.  So however many hours Poland is ahead of London, probably 6pm

Thanks, if pi guy is correct (which he most probably is cause he is  a big failure) it's 5pm. Damn, I still don't know whether to buy this game day 1 or not....

Not a fan of the first two games?

Yeah that's pretty much the problem, only played the second one, and it was only a good game for me (7,5 I would give it). Good gameplay, but I had a couple of problems with it, even dropped it after a couple hours, but got back and finished, later parts are way better when you unlock all the stuff. 

Just by watching some gameplays, I can see they have improved a couple things that I didn't like, but there are still things from what I hear that worry me (mainly repetitive missions). I don't know, I'm on the fence, 80 meta is very solid and might convince me to grab the game, but on the other hand 60€ is a lot for me, having big expenses right now, especially considering my backlog.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

So the day one infamous patch includes more NPC's?!?!